<October 12, 1997>
Any good artist has a character sheet for his/her main character(s) so here's Sox's. Color coded n' everything.
Ok, this one I started with the girl on the lower left and moved right to the girl with the bow-n-arrow and at the end I finished with that group of guys facing right, left and straight. I REALLY smudged thist one that's why shirts and the paint canvas are so gray. The rest was touched up. And yes this time I did pay attention in class (when I felt it necessary...).
This one started after a sleep over. The Atomic Wedgie Sleep Over from Hell! My friendas this obcession (spelling...) with atomic wedgies so I drew him a picture. And yes, he can get his OWN underwear over his head... I've got to get some new friends (but keep the old, mind you).
Well more stuff from the scanner. I did this one during humanities while we were studing (how do you spell that?) American Colonizatoin. That is kinda interesting but the girl next to me saw me start it and wanted me to finish by the end of the period (I'm weak on the femenine side...). Oh well, hope my grade on the test isn't TOO bad.
This is a character I named after saw one of those Cat-the-Hat hats on some one. After that he looked like Waldo, hence his name. I haven't checked lately, but are there any new Waldo books out?
Anti-gravity headfur? The Bread and Butter Effect? Ragu's Law? Nope. Just good ol' fashioned super powers keep Hyenagirl airborne. Coming at ya to fight for truth, justice and the furry way. :)
I had the honor of meeting Gene in that dreaded netherworld known as RL ;) and this is fairly close to how I was feeling at the time. Okay, Gene... maybe not king, but how about president? ;) Gene Catlow is © Albert Temple.
I *can* draw something other than foxes... I think. Rebecca Kemp's really rad pic of an orca-woman kinda inspired me to upload a marker-pic I did of two old friends of mine -- Bubbles and Bottles, bottlenosed dolphin sisters I made up back in second grade. I drew this back on... August ninth, I think. Somewhere around there. Bubbles and Bottles (Can the names get any cheesier? I doubt it. But I was in second grade, fer cryin' out loud.) copyright me and my second-grade self! :)
I *love* my hip-huggin', flairin', arse-kickin' jeans, man. And yep, that's the navel ring I'll be getting (with any luck) next weekend. Jessi (since that's who that is!) is copyright that Jessica Park hyOOman-type-person.
Thank you so much for the beautiful pic, Gene! This is my little way of saying "thank you," whipped up in pencil *really* fast, 'cause time's been scant lately. I think it speaks for itself. ;) Gene Catlow (C) Albert Temple, Aislinn (C) myself.
Toledo skunk, done in a different style.
Tapestry (Kyono Malnassy) posted an excellent drawing of Gene (and it *was* excellent, Tapestry, not pathetic! I wish good artists would stop putting down their art!) and I decided to take some time with that lil' Adobe youknowwhat for this one of Aislynn! Hope you like it, Tapestry. :) (Hope also you draw Aislynn more...!)
King? No thanks, Thomas... :) I'd look strange with a crown. And President? You kidding? And spend the rest of my days avoiding grassy knolls? Naah... I'll stick with 'Friend'. It's what I want to be. :) Kevin is © Thomas K. Dye
Awww.. How cute. A baby bird out of my sketchbook. I tried to get a little wild with the tail feathers... Oh well.
This is Cora, a villian that's been sitting around my mind for months.
A pic of Matilda. Nuff' said.
Y'know, I have a habit of taking a joke too far... ;-) No, actually, this was a drawing I did a couple months ago. We cats have excellent fashion sense, no?
Another pic of Matilda? Yes.
Just as I'm about to outline a point to Angel Bear about Ragu's Law, Gene, flying overhead, aptly demonstrates it with his own bottle of spaghetti sauce. *sigh* Anyone got a washcloth I can use?
<October 12, 1997>