<October 11, 1997>
YIPPEEE!!! 10-10-82 6:32 PM CST I was born, and on 10-10-97 I turn 15 and get a scanner! Well, here's the first pic. Since I just started high school I decided to put up one of Sox's high school atire. In no time flat I'm going to reach 40!
Power in a lovely package. A muscular wolf femme shows off her physical might.
My first inked piece, something that started as a quick pencil sketch, that turned into one of my fave pics yet. Polished off in my college library when I should have been studying :)
Something I churned out while some freinds of the family came round. Done mostly out of boredom, the image just popped into my head, so I drew it ;)
A friend o' mine from Mega Man X RP,Gryphon!I'd color it,but I don't know the colors...or the look,for that matter!This came out of the blue,he doesn't even know this pic exists!Gryphon is © his player
Mark 'n' Howie!Howie 'n' Mark!A duck and a cat,so cool in fact!I thank him in a lovely way,a pic I scanned this very day!Howie 'n' Mark are ©Jason(HIYA Jason!)Furness!
DeNile again,this time with her sacred Golden Crocodile Armor on,ready to kick Tut!OOOOoooo!!!!DeNile is © me,but like all my characters,feel free to draw them for the fun of it!
Y'know, it occured to me that furry fandom is jam packed full of fuzzy mammals, followed by scaly and then feathery. You never seem to see mermaids or any kind of aquatic "furries". Oh, I know there are a few, I've seen shark-people. But how many of you have seen an Orca-woman! Here she is folks! Colored pencil, 9x12.
The aftermath of Honey's birthday party:) Seriously, Happy B-Day, Honey, and many more. Special thanks to Rasvar for the inspiration. Honeybadger is © her player.
<October 11, 1997>