<October 10, 1997>
Roxanna the vixen. I think the title says it all for this one. :)
Apparently somebody threw a baby into the swimming pool, and while other folks said "Oh well, whatever" Hysteria got out the trusty dollar-bill-and-fishing-rod. :) Kurt (bless him) is trying to be helpful, but he's something in the way. ;) Hysteria & Kurt are © Julie Miyamoto. P.S. Throwing babies into swimming pools has been known to cause cancer in several states.
I told Squonk that an e-mail friend had told me that "Please Don't Touch" was his favorite Steve Hackett album, and he immediately jumped up, shouted "Yeah! That WAS a good one!!" and ran off. Here he is, air-guitaring to the title track. I think Steve warns people about it on the album cover. ;)
A little while ago, Royce told us furry artists to "Draw more raccoons!" so I tried my paws at this sleepy-eyed fellow. It's dawn, bedtime for all good little Procyonidae. Re-uploaded to fix a mistake and improve image quality.
Happy Birthday Honeybadger! Honeybadger and her kit Bigears in the center of just a few of the many furs who wish Honey a happy birthday. L to R it's Austin_dern, Loqu, Raster, Prismo, Royce, Toast, Samwise, Jackrabbit, Spaceroo, Captain, and Fuzzybear. All characters are copyright their respective players
A commisioned pic for my younger sister's other friend, Cassie. Cassie a.k.a. CatWoman © Cassie Gephart. Artwork © Moi.
A commisioned pic for my younger sister's friend Nicole. Nicole and Arturo © Nicole Gauthier. Artwork © Moi.
T-shirt design I did for my church youth group. I don't know, but I think that cat looks an awful lot like the actual Scully. Mulder is, of course, a fox. Dana Scully and Fox "Yummy" Mulder © Chris "God" Carter. Artwork © Sara "Please Don't Sue" Clay
Yeah, I know I should be keeping up with everything else here, but other stuff, mainly my webpages and a Toronto event comming up that I'm doing art for, is wipeing my time. This is the unnamed tigger mascot of my FurPride site
Okay, CatsWhisker, I guess you did get down okay. I don't think you *had* to land on my back, though. :) CatsWhisker © the rather mischievous Tawana Gilroy
Another mouse girl.
This was a bit of a rush job, [=o|] it's a bizzare idea, and it's short a couple of 'penguins', but... Happy Birthday Honeybager! [The ratel who's practically perfect in every way. =o)]
<October 10, 1997>