<July 7, 1997>
I figured if anybody should be a Colonial Ranger, it's Spaceroo, being the seasoned space marsupial that he is. Spaceroo © John Siemer
Sue-chan tries "Erica" hairdo. Art/ hair style, and apologies to © Chad Yaffe (I'm your biggest fan in Japan!)
This is another one of my characters. I call him Dogg. He is dressed in knight armor and seems happy to be volunteering for something. He doesn't know everything about the task yet. Ha ha ha. The poor misguided soul. B^)
It's me as Daddy Rich from "Car Wash"! BTW, Jason wanted me to mention something about his being from the same city that Richard Pryor is from, but I'm not gonna do that. This description is about ME, not him. If he wants me to make him seem all special just because he and Richard Pryor are from the same place, he can't come crawling to ME! OK that's it...
A commission piece done for AltarSkunk.
My Albany AnthroCon 97 badge. I had a wonderful time there. To everyone I met at the con, thanks for the memories and the laughs!
After battling the evil giant ants, Ikyoto, Fuu, Ozymandias, and Spaceroo go wading, and try to hit a submerged post with rocks. Final score was Ozy=2, Everyone else=0. =o)
<July 7, 1997>