<July 6, 1997>
Mark as DC from "Car Wash". Also, my first pic colored with Corel. Mark is © Jason "Lengthy Nickname" Furness.
The boys are getting their clubhouse fixed up as they like it comfy..and ready for games. ©1997 B.S.M. Oldrabbit
Well his sister caught him looking at her diary and she is mad ..He gets the boot..:) ©1997 B.S.M. Oldrabbit
Well another furry's asleep must be a slow time.. but we dont want to bother him..he looks so peacefull.. ©1997 B.S.M. Oldrabbit
Well even furry's have to make their beds kids.. And this one is busy takeing care of his chores. ©1997 B.S.M. Oldrabbit
These two furs are waveing at you so give em a wave back..:) ©1997 B.S.M. Oldrabbit
A sketch of Kitsumi (of FurryMuck). I'd appreciate some feedback on this one; it was done using only pencil, but I tried not to let it get too "sketchy" like my other pencil work... Kit is © her player.
<July 6, 1997>