<July 8, 1997>
This is a sketch of Samwise drawn more the way the character looks. Samwise is copyright 1997 by Wendy Rice.
Here I'd like to extend a "Hiya and welcome aboard" to Silvavixen (or Avlis, or Bry), an absolutely rocking artist. Right on! (And remember, kids, don't buy cheap cutlery from ferrets :)
Cecilia and her beau discuss life and love over a tall frosty bottle of fish oil. Mm mm good! (Cecilia etc © moi)
This is my other kitty, Tasha, if she were a furry. She is sweetness and light incarnate.
St. Katherine Kitty ©; '97 Michael E. Setzer.
I'm back! And before I do anything else, I want to send this picture as a way of saying Thanks to Robert Hazen for his *wonderful* Beany Geney drawings! I loved those, Bob! Many thanks to you...! Out of all your creations, Jiffy and Jeffury are my favorites! (Actually I would've uploaded this yesterday, but my ISP was doing wierd things.. oh well...) Jiffy and Jeffury © Robert Hazen
The first im my series of pictures describing what is without question the *best* furry convention I have attended in years. And for someone who's been to just about every ConFurence that's ever been held, that's something. Albany AnthroCon was indescribably great! Nevertheless, I will be trying to describe as much of it as I can... :) The AAWD is © it's members
A rip off of Wildfyre's (Cherna Gast) pic of Jade Dragon, another DracoS robot, the one I control on SPR, Dix! Here he's seen as a Robot and as a 'normal' hedgehog Dix is © Kelly Dunlap (I just RP the guy ;)
Heres Obsidian, my newest creation, I (an gonna) use him on SonicMUCK And those aren't WARTS or ZITS on his face, sheesh! Look at his name! <G> Obsidian is © me
Ashura, Sonics brother, I did another pic of him, but this one was cooler! Ash is © Uhhhh Kiken..I think
<July 8, 1997>