<June 1, 1997>
This is a furry i created named Mauria....pronounced not MUH.REE.UH but yet MAR.EE.UH you emphasize the MAR as you ALSO emphasize the EL in my name!!!! (for those of you who think my name is el.DRIA)
This is Mauria in her second drawing position! DOESN'T she remind you of ohhhhh....maybe...................CLAIRE DANES?!?!??!!?!?!??!!??!?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!
This is a cat i doodled on a note to my FRIEND!!!!! he's cute, but SAD!!! =(
Now and then a fellow furry artist wants to do a pic of my char and its's "Where's Anise? All I see is pics of that *(&^#$* Cecilia-ferret". (Though they always put it more sweetly than that :) So here's me. Just so's you know. (Anise, of course, © the glorious ME!
Sister Sue.(Sue-chan ©AAoHK)
Here it is, Eldria! I was thinkin' "Where does Eldria get all those medals, anyway?" Then I found an ad in one of those magazines Abacus Jura reads. Why, she produces all those medals HERSELF!! BTW, the medal next to "#1 Fox" reads, "#1 Skunk". Eldria fox is (C) her medal-makin' self, and Abacus is (C) Jason Williams.
Look! It's US with that one guy, ol' Whatsisname! I made a comic with an appearance of this guy and the Raccoon Kids, and here's his reaction! The Raccoon Kids are (C) "Ol' Whatsisname"!
Howie T. Cat here! And here's some practice etchings of Vanessa Vixen. Would you believe she is currently over *70* years old? That's right, she first appeared in a 1925 cartoon called "The Hooch Hound" Really! More on this film later. Jason will tell you that *he* created Vanessa in 1995, but he's lying.
Yes, when Gabe encountered the Active Raccoon Kid, things did indeed erupt into disaster. But Gene didn't cause it. The Raccoon Kids' Dad did. Dad was not glad. Dad was mad. What a mad Dad we had. Gabe © Gabriel Gentile
Alfred. (From the fan-fic "Redwall: The Sword of Martin".) [ REDWALL and other OFFICIAL REDWALL characters are © Mr Brian Jacques. This pic is a tribute made to Mr Brian Jacques by me and is in no way intended as a malicious act.]
Lady Auburn, the Mousemage. (Commisioned drawing.) Not quite as Anime-ish as I've hoped to be. =o) Auburn is © her player. [ REDWALL and other OFFICIAL REDWALL characters are © Mr Brian Jacques.]
Well, Ozy ? How do you like it ? Hartly, my "annoying" precocious fox cub stepbrother, has a proposition for you. =o) [Oyzmandias © Rain Simpson] [ Artist's Notes: This pic was drawn almost 2 weeks ago ! The timing is just perfect, so do you believe in coincidences ? =o) ]
Daniel. (From the fan-fic "Redwall: The Sword of Martin".) [ REDWALL and other OFFICIAL REDWALL characters are © Mr Brian Jacques. This pic is a tribute made to Mr Brian Jacques by me and is in no way intended as a malicious act.]
Gonjur. (From the fan-fic "Redwall: The Sword of Martin".) [ REDWALL and other OFFICIAL REDWALL characters are © Mr Brian Jacques. This pic is a tribute made to Mr Brian Jacques by me and is in no way intended as a malicious act.]
Gunthre. (From the fan-fic "Redwall: The Sword of Martin".) [ REDWALL and other OFFICIAL REDWALL characters are © Mr Brian Jacques. This pic is a tribute made to Mr Brian Jacques by me and is in no way intended as a malicious act.]
A 'Thank You' pic I did of Galen for Angel Bear who sent me a "Welcome" letter a few weeks ago. Thanks again Angel Bear ! 0=o) [Galen © George R. Eddy (Angel Bear) ]
A tearful, yet joyful reunion of Matthias with his son Mattimeo. (Inspired from the book "Redwall: Mattimeo" by Brian Jacques) [ Artist's Notes: Pass me that box of Kleenex, please. *Sniff !* ;o) ] [ REDWALL and other OFFICIAL REDWALL characters are © Mr Brian Jacques. This pic is a tribute made to Mr Brian Jacques by me and is in no way intended as a malicious act.]
CONCEPTUAL cover design for the fan-fic "Redwall: The Sword of Martin". [ REDWALL and other OFFICIAL REDWALL characters are © Mr Brian Jacques. This pic is a tribute made to Mr Brian Jacques by me and is in no way intended as a malicious act.]
Trager the Beast, the evil wolf vermin with the stolen Sword of Martin in his paws. (From the fan-fic "Redwall: The Sword of Martin".) [ REDWALL and other OFFICIAL REDWALL characters are © Mr Brian Jacques. This pic is a tribute made to Mr Brian Jacques by me and is in no way intended as a malicious act.]
A bust drawing of Trager the Beast. (From the fan-fic "Redwall: The Sword of Martin".) [ REDWALL and other OFFICIAL REDWALL characters are © Mr Brian Jacques. This pic is a tribute made to Mr Brian Jacques by me and is in no way intended as a malicious act.]
Well with all the hugs at FM I thought i would let these two show us a good one.. Bunnykids series.. Please email me if you wish to use my drawings.. Don Brown ©1997 B.S.M.
Cindy is getting ready for the big furscout campout.. Please email me if you wish to use my drawings.. Don Brown ©1997 B.S.M.
Just a couple of furs i drew one day.. a easter rabbit and a chipmunk... Please email me if you wish to use my drawings.. Don Brown ©1997 B.S.M.
This little girl fur asks a question of her Dad .he is glad to respond. Please email me if you wish to use my drawings.. Don Brown ©1997 B.S.M.
She's looking for something.Must be small though to be in that box.. Please email me if you wish to use my drawings.. Don Brown ©1997 B.S.M.
Jack's showing of his new overalls to Jill ,but she's too busy for him now.. Bunnykids series.. Please email me if you wish to use my drawings.. Don Brown ©1997 B.S.M.
Well jill sure likes to get her Dad to tell her a bedtime story.. Please email me if you wish to use my drawings.. Don Brown ©1997 B.S.M.
Dad is real proud of his small son and gives him a lift ... Please email me if you wish to use my drawings.. Don Brown ©1997 B.S.M.
He is showing his Dad the work he did. It makes his Dad proud. Please email me if you wish to use my drawings.. Don Brown ©1997 B.S.M.
Well who knows what these two are up to. But i bet it will be fun.. Please email me if you wish to use my drawings.. Don Brown ©1997 B.S.M.
He likes to be with his Dad as most small boys do.. and so do girls.. Please email me if you wish to use my drawings.. Don Brown ©1997 B.S.M.
Handstands are what this fur likes to do. Hope he dont fall.. Please email me if you wish to use my drawings.. Don Brown ©1997 B.S.M.
A big wave from this fur..just like on FM Please email me if you wish to use my drawings.. Don Brown ©1997 B.S.M.
<June 1, 1997>