<May 31, 1997>
Gene chuckles and thinks to himself, "Here we go again!" as he meets with *another* furry megalomaniac. This time it's a sarcastic little dog who believes cats are naturally evil. These last two Gene pics I've uploaded are just some li'l ol' hallucinations of mine. ( Hysteria's not the only one who hallucinates around here...) Hysteria (C) herself!!
"Wax on, Wax off." -Pat Morita. Hey, evryone! Mark Mallard here, with a advertizemint for my school of Kay-rahtee! Be sure t' watch my friend, Dragonfly Jones, on "Martin"! BTW, this AIN'T a drawin'. It's an *etchin'*! Wu-Tang Clan & Dragonfly Jones (C) their copiewright owners, if inny.
It's Miata from FurryMuck, a commissioned gif I did for her player.
"Failed Furry/Anime Crossovers #1 - Chakat 1/2" Sketchbook picture for Bernard Doove at Conspiracy, Wellington NZ (Easter 1997)
"Failed Furry/Anime Crossovers #2 - Sailor Dornthant" Erma Felna (C) S. Gallaccii
Ranthe (vixen) and Tasha (Siberian husky) from FurryMUCK. Ranthe (C) T Knight, Tasha (C) her player.
"As I walk through the valley of the shadow..." Surreal mind-picture with a fox and a big monolith. Pencil sketch - inked version will replace this soon.
"Shetland Street" - a certain war-mare stars in New Zealand's favorite local soap-opera. Red Shetland (C) Jim Groat
MayFurr (from FurryMUCK) mentions the "W" word in earshot of his vixen pilot Ranthe... and she's not happy!
Sebrina Fox asked me *so* nicely for a picture of her, I just couldn't refuse! Here ya go, Sebrina! Hope ya like! Sebrina Fox © Meghan Dombrowski
Mucho thankies to Hysteria for her nice reply to me!ME NOT WORTHY :) Here is a pic of her character Scatter©Hysteria-her kewl awsome art type self!
<May 31, 1997>