<June 5, 1999>
The Furry space program continues! :D I think this demonstrates the 'K.I.S.S' principle in engineering. :)
Here's Blackbird from FurryMUCK. She's HoneyBadger's adopted daughter, and Bigears' sister. I couldn't choose between the pencil drawings of these to poses, so I just did 'color' portraits of both. :)
It's not easy coloring a character that's mostly shades of black, and I'm rather proud of the way these came out. :)
This is Carney the dinosaur. Are you wondering what it means? It could mean carnivore or carnage or carnival freak. You decide. Read the Macropod Madness comic called 'The world's most annoying TV personality' at and decide for yourself. © me
a mustelid/canid couple enjoys a summer afternoon at an outdoor cafe
Psyra (copyright Sean Parsons), in a piece I like to call "Paradise by the Fridge Door Light". If you know anything about Psyra, you know why. -:) Many thanks to the gent who commissioned this, as he was very patient with the lazy uni I am!
Lord Gannon and Lord Faolan express their cordial hatred for one another with polite smiles =) and Brock Conlai is in there too...doing absolely nothing. They're all © me.
A white Dragon, Westwind style. Not really finished yet... I need to get some Verithins to do the finicky scale patterns on the jowls, and I have the rest of the torso sketched in to make it properly anthropomorphic. (Prismacolors on Strathmore Drawing, 6"x3")
<June 5, 1999>