Sarah Wheeler (Noelani Manawolf) —2/4 >
Ram'satay, leader of the Chattans. The scary creature in the background is an Ukari.
Evereen, leader of the Loupians. This is the companion piece to ABlamcat.jpg.
After the War. Modeled after my late cat, Fossil. His character (or as it was towards the end) is very well captured here. This bobcat looks like some old battleaxe who really wishes he wasn't involved after all...
The anorexic fox has the figure touted by the media as the ideal build for a woman... but the 'pleasently plump' rabbit is the one most men would like to cuddle with. Of course, few of us pleasently plump women realize this, and go through our lives shyly and with a low self-esteem about our image - damn social conditioning.
Some neato dynamic primal beasties.
Generic cute winged thingy No. 1. (Don't even talk to me about "nudity," her naughty bits are completely absent, nonexistent, not there, get it? *thbbbbt*)
These two are immortal, life-long companions, and have been galloping around in my imagination since 1991. Hi Evereen! Hi Starsped! (Oh, guess who's who.)
Lynxgirl. Is there really anything more to say?
Hey, guess what this is! You're absolutely correct, it's a chinchilla! How did you know?
Chibi XianJaguar, scribbled at work. Run for your sanity! Aieeee!
Be afraid. More afraid. No, more afraid still. Thaaaat's it.
Methinks I'll probably be putting this one in the CF10 art show.
This is a pic of Calpyso the cheetah-squirrel, for Calypso the cheetah-squirrel, comissioned by Calypso the cheetah-squirrel. I never expected it to be scanned in - I gave her the original - but she scanned it in, and put it on her page! How nice of her! Now everyfur else can see it, in all it's color-pencil glory!
A raccoon-fox thingy. Mmmmmm, markers....
Thought I'd incorporate some of my own dress preferences into a furry picture. (That's not me, though.)
Tyranosaurus-type carnosaur with stripes.
Darkfox and Mystee, by comission. It was rather fun using that large marker and colored pencils together...
A fennec character from a friend's dream.
A random evil bunny. Inspired by Barbarella, if that makes any sense.
Yet another character from 'The Life of a Fur Fan...' story my bf is working on.
A character from a story my bf is writing. Skunkie!
Another character from a story my bf is writing. I LOVE this one... brushpens and colored pencils, o my!
Ewwwwwwwww. Read it, it's funny. Seriously.
An edited version of a pic uploaded to Orlando ( I liked it so much I decided it should be here as well, so I blocked out the naughty bits. Happy belated Halloween!
This was inspired by a real-life incident in my high school Physiology class. Nuff said.
The furry Furies...... Groan. Yes, for college I am reading much classical Greek literature. The Euminides, anyone?
A charicture of a college friend of mine. He's not quite furry, but he's into Old Man Coyote and White Wolf gaming (mainly Changeling). So I drew him as a coyote.
I always liked Bambioids.
Generic cute winged thingy No. 2. Toony... construction..... Must... add... anatomy..... Gah!
Black & white can be cool.
Sarah Wheeler (Noelani Manawolf) —2/4 >