< 1/4— Sarah Wheeler (Noelani Manawolf) —3/4 >
A scale chart for Juniper. His feet got cut off too.
Two white feline Tezuka characters meet face to face.
Kiiiimbaaa! Who looks like he's about to go after a certain evil empire... (C) Osamu Tezuka
So the Star Wars analogy doesn't COMPLETELY follow through... It's still funny. Long live Kimba!
An old pic of Larrik I dug up out of one of my sketchbooks. I thought the blotches looked kind of artsy, so I left them in.
Pretty cougar-girl inspired by one of my favorite songs.
About time I drew more Loupians. Dis one's in armor.
Lieutenant Mress from Star Trek: The Animated Series. And I daresay I draw her better than those cheap animators did...
An interesting anthropomorphization of The Last Unicorn.
Random fun.
Tattoo design.
Happy Halloween! Extra special kudos if you know who we're dressed up as.
Lookit! A painting! Tell me what you think, yes? And oh yeah, please check out to get a free print of this image, minus text of course.
Of course I don't advocate real-life violence towards anyone, no matter how reprehensible their views are... but it's a damn funny picture.
I was reeeal bored, so I put this stupid idea to paper. Don't hit me!
Noelani Manawolf ((C) me) in warm leather-type flying gear, about to take off. Let's play with the horizontals and verticals in the picture frame, shall we?
Certain people have been known to insinuate that I am a hippie. So be it. Free love, man!
Yes folks, I CAN use Photoshop!
A cynical Manawolf.
Guess what I got for Xmas.... MARKERS!!!!! My persona isn't really colored this way, but the marker set didn't have any greys.
I finally finished coloring this one. I needed a bad mood to draw it, and I also needed a bad mood to color it. Hmmm...
This is a character sheet of sorts for my persona, including an illustration of what I refer to as a 'wingtent'...
Isn't I cuuuuuuuute?!?
It's another Manawolf-dressed-up-as-an-anime-character pic! Whooo!
A generic Manawolf picture.
An early concept of my furry persona.
An early concept of my furry persona. Don't worry, current versions to follow...
A more recent pic of my furry persona - Noelani Manawolf. Wearing clothes for once. *gryn*
Hey, fun with colored pencils!
Black construction paper is neato keen.
< 1/4— Sarah Wheeler (Noelani Manawolf) —3/4 >