Amber Hill (Vantid) —2/2 >
"Variation of a Dolphin" I really admire Cara Mitten's stuff and a proffesional artist named Wayne Barlowe. Both create such crazy and original creatures I just had to try it out on my own. So here is a dolphin, warped as far as I could take it. Black ink and pencil accent.
A concept sketch roughed up in Painter. I think it's a bit different from my usual. Sorry for it's sketchy crapness...I just wanted to show the idea off. :3
Art as expressed emotion, the curve of a line dancing in tune to the artist's beat, entwining the heart and life line with the music and the pen line.
The climber does his catcher dance.
Inspired by that one Simpsons episode. Happy Valentines Day!
"Cosmic Drifters" Old art(1999) recently scanned. I sold the original for way too little money before I went online or scanned things. Novawolf scanned the slide for me so the colors are a bit off but it sthe best I could do and the milky way shows up nice. Anyway, Lassen inspired, prismas on black canson.
Sketch of some critter in Painter.
"Curl" Oh, geez. Look...I'm all sad and stuff. So what else is new?
Dingbat...for the Trading Post...again and Painter 7...again. :3
In my opinion, final fantasy character designs are SO cluttered and over the top. Not all of them of course but a lot. Well,I wanted to do something like that...I wanted to make a character with a hodge podge of make no sense accessories and no sense of culture. The feather is a weapon. Ultra paper cut of doooom! :3 He looks kinda feminie doesnt he? Ink in a friend's sketchbook.
A partridge with a pear, done in Painter. Happy Holidays all.
A color prelim for a futire piece. She is about to plant the seedling into the womb of earth within the ring of stones.
For the TP, Painter.
"Myst Flicker" And here he is, after well over a year since I started him. I dislike the background quite a bit but I was fed up with it laying around in my room, unfinished. He's mix of Vervain, Anna's, and Bee hummingbirds. Prismacolor pencils on Strathmore.
Novawolf was telling me about her mother's bird. he views Nova as a rival and tends to chase after her, nipping at her feet, until she finds refuge on top of a chair or bed like some sissy woman does around a mouse. So i depicted the bird as an evil lil bugger with drewling jaws and sunken eyes. Ink in my sketchbook.
I think sketches can tell a pretty good story.
Ahem! Not an amzing piece of work but lots of fun for everyone! There simply isn't enough Myst/Riven/Exile/Uru/Revelations fanart. Vannie looks a bit unsure before linking for her first time. Also an exercise for clothing, messed up my boots. Oh well. Micronsessss
"Light Showers" A hasty drawing done for the Houston Sheltie Club raffle. I hate only hav eing one night to pull things off. No reference, colored pencils on Canson.
I drew and inked, Lyosha made it beautiful with colors. Teh Spotty Butt!
A work in progress, I may finish this some day. I love meadowlarks, I really do. I'm sorry if some of you don;t liek this because it was photoreferenced. I have fun making these things. Prismacolors on Canson. Sweet, tasty canson.
This week's Trading Post reminded me about this pic I did for my mom for Mother's Day. I did it all w. out a reference so excuse all the flaws please. Painter 7 painted. :3
"Flora and Fauna" My half of a trade with the amazing Neoecco. This is her Stargazer character, a race of fling 'phins. I tried to symbolize the connection to terra with the plants. Some of the plants are real, others are not. Prismacolors and white gel pen on Canson, color Moonstone.
Nicky the Corgi for Bonnie of the lj community furartxchange. I used one of my mom's shelties for markings reference. I don't think she'll be too happy when she sees this...not too fond of corgis for some reason. Prismacolors on Artagain with slight digital tweaking, mauled by the scanner.
A slightly revised version for Northern Raven for the Trading Post.
"Observing the Silence" Done over the summer, a very labor intensive piece, especially for a head shot. Ahhhh....generic wolf with feathers.
OceLoT for the trading post. Painter 7.
A collaboration with Nambroth (Jennifer Miller). She busted out with the inks and I colored it.
I upload this cause I want to be the first to say: digitally smeared in Painter 9. Mmmm, Painter 9. Likeshine is my buddy.
A tanuki/kistsune mixbreed named Sendiri falls slowly into deep clear water...for whatever reason. And for the same reason, cherry blossoms glow blue. Character design is Shadowolf's, image done for the Yerf trading post. SMASHED into Painter 7 for FULL FLAVOR. Nambroth helped me with this piece...and this image full size. I work too small.
I finaly finished Likeshine's commission. What was the hold up? I can't draw wings. Nam was kind enough to sketch them for me. Why are her wings open? I dunno...maybe cuz I didn't leave room for her folded ones? ;3 Prismas on Artagain.
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