< 1/2— Amber Hill (Vantid)
- Why koi? I koi! A quick study of a Shusui koi done in Prismacolors and gouche on Artagain. I don't know if I spelled gouche correctly.
- "Siphon Filter" I got my Parasitology book from my parents house and I read about fleas....and it somehow strikes me funny....Fleas are called Siphonaptera. I immediately think of a flea smoking a filter cigarette. Haw haw I'm so funny. thought of Gryllus a lot when I was doing this...dunno why...
- I was told that I should upload this, even if it isn't complete. One day I will have the skills I need to finish this the way I want to.
- I birthday gift for a dear friend, Stormdancer Gryphon. The scanner mauled this piece, which was done completely in ink with no pencils. I goofed up his hands so I placed a pewter sticker frame over it, then went wild with the brush pen and watch parts. The gears were inspired by Turbine Divinity.
- A gift for Tagar for his birthday. As someone said before me,(I forget who) "Anatomically correct wings? What are those?" Microns in a sketchbook.
- Tiny little sketch, a few inches tall. It's the Koirin, catcher dancin'. Graphite in my sketchbook.
- Ultraviolet Bat for the TP. Painter 7
- Sorry for this upload but this is the full and final version of this piece. I was working on polishing it up when I cropped and saved it as I was closing Painter. Dummy. So here it is after I cropped the rest of it off at its full cropped size. Did I mention that I cropped it?
- This is me and my coyote, Merrick. He's sick.
- This piece really needs a background to make sense...the character is being lit by an apricot sunset, but it's hard to read due to oveerdose of white. And the anatomy is crap. I like the wings, and the hand, and the pose. Yeah. Prismas on watercolor paper. Tryn belongs to Doomsniper. This sold at the Texas Furcon, but I was shafted by the director who took 50% of the final bid, a drastic change from the original 15%.
- My first try at the generic vixen pose. Autumn Foxfyre posed for me. :3 Prismas and micron on Artagain with slight digital editing for Yerf.
- "Luis the Wood Duck" I'd been itching to draw an anthro duck for a long time. One evening, a sketch exploded from my hand. It looked good, so i traced, transferred, and colored it. And there we have it...Luis the Wood duck. Colored pencils on Canson.
- "Weresquirrel" Food for werewolf and wereyote. All manner of graphite in my sketchbook.
- It's the spotty butt herself as a wild critter. Nice and dingy. Prismacolors and some ink on white canson.
- "Enigma" My half of an art trade with the Tamara Gale. This is her Winged Siamese, one of a pair. This one is male, has correct points, and typical feather wings. He represents light and day, while his female counter part is the dark and night. She has bat wings and her points are inverted.
< 1/2— Amber Hill (Vantid)