Nicole Trujillo (Kompy, Tanuki) —2/15 >
Now HERE'S something scary...AN OLD PIC!FROM LAST YEAR!AHHHH!!!!!Eh,Animeish-type dragon,BTW!BIYA!
A sketch of Red 13 of FF7.Any questions?Red is (C) Square.
Now for something diffrent:A 1930s-style dance/jazz montage!Did this while watching a special with my parents one night,a tribute for legendary puertorrican Latin singer/actor,Bobby Capo'.
Before Kompy, there were others that led important roles throughout my artistic life;Entee B. the Zorrow(Fox-tail Cuedow)was to have been my furry alter ego before I chose Kompy.Nito the Golden Hamster was one of my first "mascots" as well as being a tribute to my RL hamster of the same name(Rest in Piece,buddy *sniff*).What's Evel the Tamagotchi duck doing here,then?What important role does he represent?NOTHING,He's here 'cause I wanted to draw him!That,and he looks funny dressed as da New Year baby!Oh,well,HAVE A GOOD YEAR,FOLKS!
Maybe I haven't changed much, maybe I have; who knows? Either way you look at it, I am BACK! And my Email's now in case you're wondering...Kompy(C)Me
Ahhh...more Roos!Doin' a figure 8/infinity pose,I decided to name these two male Roos Donato(white) and Estefano(red-same as ntbroo.jpg);named after a Latin Pop duo of the same name.Both are©me.
For those that have already donated their blood, keep your bandages (the multi-color ones they often give out in blood drives), and wear them like armbands or braceletes, and help show off that you volanteered to help those people that fell victim to that awful incident. I wish I was able to draw this sooner...but I was too shocked to even think. Speed, Kompy and Tanuki © Nicole Trujillo.
Does the group name A-Ha mean anything to you 80's folks?Voltz©Jeff Lancaster.
Just wanted to see if I can actually ad some RL-like feel to my sketches,and ended up with this-one depressed Ana Maria.Poor gal.She probably has the most depressing backstory of all my characters.I'd say more,but I doubt it'll all fit here,so I'll just say that she's©me and that if you'll notice,she hasn't shaved her armpits =P
A surprise comishion pic for Alpha!I like surprises...OK!Alpha is ©her player.
AnaMaria Cruz,a young 14-year old Mexican Jerboa.She may not know much English,but this child has many things to say to a certain romantic outlaw;especially since she's his daughter.AnaMaria's©me.
Angelique the cold-hearted (I mean besides literally!) Butterfly fish 'morph, complete with Toonami censor-ware! see, she kinda had a few markings on her body that most people would get the wrong idea with, so I reinked her with a swimsuit on. Either way, Angelique © me
Rough sketch of one of the most adorable artist I've ever had the honor to meet. Plus he's such a hottie =)...*blinks* What do you mean I haven't uploaded in over a year?! I've been busy =P Leon©Oro-kun *kisukisu*
A poem:"Last ish of the manga 'Night Warriors',Kompy goes "DANG!",She goes and sketches Vendi as Anita,and Elias as Donovan". So it doesn't rhyme-bite me!(and if anyone ask,the doodle in the corner is an ultrachibi Rikuo =P).Night Warriors/Darkstalkers©CAPCOM;Vendi an' Elias©Me.
Saturnian ecosystem. We have a Frilled Weader, a rather stupid Bladeleg cuedow (look in front of you, you idjit, yer gonna get caught in the tail claw thingie!), a rare Saturnian Wyvern (AKA Draconus Weadertops) flying overhead and a couple of Glydows. Its a very, um, warm backdrop isn't it? And sadly, a tad 2D-ish, despite my best efforts to make it non 2D-ish :P
I just wanted an excuse to draw a lightsaber effect. Maybe someday I'll actually try drawing an actual Lightsaber *HILT*...
Remember my 4-part Snowboarding Sketch series? Well, here's the followup-Body Board Sketches. First up it's Larsen. Say hi, Larsen. Larsen says hi back ^_^. Sketch © Moi. Part 1 of 4.
Part 2 of the Body Board Sketches. Dangit, I STILL say I haven't drawn enough sea animals! I'm trying to redeem myself with this series. Hence the the Tiger Shark Femme. FEAR. Sketch © Moi. Part 2 of 4.
Part 3 of the Body Board Sketches. The file's not upside-down, Meike the Seal's doing a 360. Just so you know. Sketch © Moi. Part 3 of 4.
Part 4 of the Body Board Sketches. A PELICAN femme! Now THAT I haven't seen in a while! 'Round here, though, I've seen plenty...yet I still find them quite interesting. Heck, I find most sea animals interesting-they're my faves! Sketch © Moi. Part 4 of 4...ACK! I finished it!
Char sheet o' yet another char I play as somethimes,Kolibri.Kolibri's © SEGA.
'Member I mention Nyagi in ntbhyena.jpg?Here be char sheet of my TLKMUCK char,Nyagi the leopard.Nyagi is ©Me.
Char sheet foe Elias.Just thought you'd be interested in drawing him.Or,better yet,how 'bout giving out some ideas on the comic*hint hint!*?Elias(YEAH,I know he look like Timon!That was the idea,sorta!)is©me.Timon is©Disney!
Benn awile I've uploaded a "how-to-draw" pic...might as well do one now!This little bobcat kitty is none other than Uno's friend,Duet!Duet's©me.
Finally got around to it...a how-to-draw Speed Python thing!I decided to finish this one up after Pepe mentioned me something about considering Speed for a sequel to his RTD comic.Now THAT should be interesting indeed;seeing Speed blastin' at all them Reworks!COOL!
Saw Mulan,Loved Mulan,worship Mushu and remade my alter ego Makku to be more...Mushuistic!Makku©me;Mulan an' Mushu©Disney.
Yet 'nother char sheet-of a char I apped for Beast Wars MUSH,no less!I have NO idea why one of the pics looks like she's joining the ARMY =P(didn't think Maximals COULD wear clothes!)Saltarena©me;Beast Wars:Transformers©Hasbro(?)
A somewhat closer look at Xoome, your average robotic Hummingbird/Woodpecker bad-mouthed hybrid!Makes Zazu look like a Tiki bird =P Xoome©me.
Since lately lotsa people drawin' Kompy now(Thankies!Me LOVE gettin' drawn by other way more talented furry artists!),I FINALLY did a Char Sheet o' KOMPY!Kompy be© me!
Character sheet for my char Uno the cat.What's with the ear?No one knows,in fact some believe he lost his ear at an attempt to escape some Goverment thugs because he knows too much(what can I say?I made him up after seeing "Conspiracy Theory"!)Uno's©me.
Nicole Trujillo (Kompy, Tanuki) —2/15 >