< 1/15— Nicole Trujillo (Kompy, Tanuki) —3/15 >
(computer-like voice)The carbuncle is a very mysterious creature. Nobody has seen it well enough to know whether it is a bird or mammal, feathered or furred. It is a small animal with a stone known as a "headstone" on its head. This headstone glows like a hot coal, with a reflective shimmer, like a shinning mirror.(Yeah,yeah,STILL look like a Kiwi-gryphon to me!)Keeko the carbuncle©me.
Ok, so this Character sheet of Tanuki's long overdue and even a bit old, but I still find it useful in the sense that it visually explains the complexity that is the esscense(sp) of this character. *chuckles* and if you believe THAT...Tanuki©moi
Character sheet for Rolito, now drawn in my own traditional 'toony' style. I love this little guy, I really do. Now I wish I knew why he was inspired from watching G Gundam o_o;
Blech. Took long enough to upload this one: Chara sheet for Faalude (odd play on the word 'Flood', inspired by the Jars of Clay song I was listening to at the time), a Spotspee Aria cuedow I wanted to submit to an RP, but never could because of problems. What the heck, though-I still like how he came out, and it's been a while I upload anything anyway. Ao, again: Blech.
All-pen practice sketch thing. Wanted to see if I could do a more 'anthro' version of the sharksquid thing I drew a while back (ntbsharksquid.jpg)...liked what I got out of it, though there's some room for improvement.
A more 'solid' lineart design idea for the anthro shark/squid hybrid I worked on before in all-pen. Was aiming for a sort of androgyneous, alien-like look. I...well, *I* like it, so nyah. (Re-Upload, slight edit plus I didn't like the blue stuff)
Can't sleep, need drawing mojo quenched...I know, I'll try drawing my old chara Lightning the Tornadow in five different styles (yes, I'm including the stick figure as a 'style', since that's how I used to draw cuedows once upon a time). Nothing too fancy, but I like 'em, particularly the "OMG realiztik" one since it's the first time I draw him like that.
Actual reaction to my college interview for the Art Institute of Ft. Lauderdale. For the record...I got IN! YEAH! Now all I need is to graduate...*whimper*
After seeing American Werewolf In Paris several weeks ago(heck,before that!),first thing that came to mind...wereCOMPYs?Well,that was the look I was aiming for,anyway.And NO!None of them are me!They just...wereCOMPYs!I've seen worse...
Just 'cause I drew it Spaz/sonic-like don't mean it not furry...least(I HOPE) that's the case whith this femme Banded Anteater char I drew up a while back.A name aname,my KINGDOM for a name!Any idea on what to name her?Heeeeelp...She's©Me,just so ya know!
Commish pic o' Aulderbane of FluffMUCK,in all his Nine-Tailed Kitsune glory.He's one of my first shots at drawing a Kitsune,and I think a fairly good job,don'tcha think?Aulderbane's©Chuck Calabria,beter known as Quentin Kitsune to you folks.
Discord(Chiroptera/Bat form),The Wings of Inmortality.Unlike most of the other Bloody Roar-inspired pics I've uploaded,this one's more of a prototype design sketch,not much of a pic to be exact.Guess I just wanted to work on a more Anthro bat pic for a while an' this is the closest I've been so far in gettin' there.I'll keep workin' on her later on,hopefully!For now,Discord's©me.Based on the game that's©Hudson/Raizing.
AAnd now the guy who MADE me do those sketches:Buster Charlie,wearing diffrent clothes this time!And I even used an RL pic of a Black-Footed Ferret for his design,too!Useless fact:Ferret in Spanish(Europe)is Turo'n!Just so ya know!Buster©Edmund Dupont
Notice how most people these days are drawing baby dragons like winged kitties?Yeah,well,here be only Mexican Baby Dragon,PINATA!I even INK AND COLOR IN PENCIL!WHOO!!!)Pinata is (C)me!
A comission pic (© David Pckett) that literally took months to make due to, ah, communications issues (longlonglong story, that). Digi-inked in Open Canvas, touched up in Photoshop. Husband's supposed to be a tiger, hence the hybrid kiddy cubs.
If you care to know why my pic is so dang cheerful, look up my LJ (nickname kompy) and read it yourself. For the rest of you? Happy Valentine's Day. Now you know why I don't often draw angst.
Weasel sketches for a commission pic I'm working on.Been a while I've drawn a weasel,too!I like how these turned out!
Third in 5 (may be 6 someday, but don't quote me on that) experimental color-themed pics. This one's my favorite of the bunch.
Dangit!If there's one thing I dislike it's messin up a char's species!BEAVER TAILS?!MY GOSH,I'M DUMB!WHAT WAS I THINKIN'!!Thanks goes to ErinV for pointin' it out for me!Quartz's tail STILL looks beaver-like,but oh well...Bill's©Archie/SEGA,Quartz's©me!
Been awile I draw an ant.Been awile I draw in B&W.Been awile I draw a villain.Been awile I draw a mage.Been awile I scan anything.Been awile I say that a char o' mine(his name's Necronata)is ©Me!
Ever seen the game "Marvel Super Heroes"?Ever seen the char Blackheart?Then here's a badly sketched version of Blackheart as a *************hedgehog************!Blackie here(real one)is ©Marvel
A young cat holds a secret that the Goverment doesn't want you to know...and to think that it got something to do with marshmallos,Tamagotchis and the mysterious pellets that they use to stuff Beanie Babies!COOL!And Hysteria think Uno cool!YEAH!I'm losing it!YEAH!OK THEN!Uno ©me;Hysteria is ©Julie Miyamoto.
Ahh, the mighty Weadertops, the proverbial king of all Weaders. And here we have...a couple of sketches of a Weadertops singing. Stupid trivia: The ring that one 'tops is attached to the mic, allowing him to grip it with ease. Thumbclaws don't make good grabbing tools, y'see...
Anyone else notice I've been lazy when it comes to updating my archive?Anyway,might as well put this pic up before I forget-fellow BW MUSH and good friend o' mine,Silentfire in bot 'bot and beast modes.Silentfire(C)His player.
This grasshopper guy's Skip-Bo,OLD char of mine that was created somewhere in '96,redrawn with little change in his form save the fact he's a bit more detailed than he was back when my F.Fighter fever was at its highest.One of two anthro-insects I sketched once(I actually did 3 sketches that night,but one of them's a spider,not an insect =P)Skip-Bo(don't call him Skippy-he hates that)(C)me
Pic's story/origin in a nutshell: while going on vacation to the city of Ponce once, I noticed a white plastic bag caught on some barb wired fence and suddenly imagined it being a Snow Monkey of sorts playing on it, or a white cockatoo trying to free itself from them. Since I coudn't decide which image was worth drawing more, I meshed them. And now you know.
OK,as far as technicality goes,12:30PM midnight is considered NOVEMBER 1st,BUT,since I just got back from my Halloween party several minutes ago...anyway,B&W pic o' sax-playin' black cat!HAPPY HALLOWEEN!However late!
Marker-colored pic of Justino Boto, an Amazon River Dolphin morph from yet another IRC game I frecuent. Slight PS tweak to turn the grey skin to that of a 'pink' dolphin. Yes, I realize I suck at beefcake. Re-upload because the nipple ring didn't scan right, and the character looks androgyneous enough without people thinking its a female nude (for the record, its a he) :P
All I got to say is...what's with me and bloddy cleavers?!Err,that and "Looks CAN kill...if you're not careful!"Trixi,forgive me.Sully,don't kill me,everyone else-well,do whatever.Just no go throwin' eggs at my windows on Hallowen now,'kay?
Part two of the "Avian Nation" series(FINALLY!)
< 1/15— Nicole Trujillo (Kompy, Tanuki) —3/15 >