< 4/22— Albert Temple (Gene Catlow) —6/22 >
- And even Heaven Scent wants to talk to the Observant Raccoon Kid! I think anti-gravity headfur provides only lift, not propulsion. But of course, I'm no expert. :) Heaven Scent is © G. (as in 'Gee! What cool artwork!) Raymond Eddy
- Wow! Just as I'm thinking over the next move, the fun-filled fox Sully leaps in and noogies me! Sully... you are TOO cool! Hoo hah!! :)
- Oops... looks like the Raccoon Kids parents have decided to wrap the 'Chocolate' story up, at least for now. :) Seems the Kids weren't eating their dinner, and of course Mom and Dad can't have that. (I had initially planned this to be 'eatchoc5.gif', in response to Hysteria's pic, but Sully added such a great one that I had to insert the one before this... :) )
- Thanks, Arved, for the wonderful picture of yourself and the Raccoon Kids! But.. now that they know your weakness is chocolate, they plan to protect you from danger by... eating it all! Don't know if they'll succeed, but that's the plan, anyway. :) Arved © Dietmar Heidrich
- HuH?? EG says not draw her??:P NO WAY I will not draw her!!She is the EeGeebiest EG that ever was!!And she does a definitely NOT-ICKY piccie of me and THEN says'But Gene..don't you worry about drawing ME!'And trying to sound SERIOUS!!! That's how I know the FoxyFireBall is kidding!! She::NEVER::serious!So I draw one anyway!Just a lil' sketch but I DRAW EG anyway!! And I think she starting to influence's starting to sound like her..I think.. *sigh* I have been drawing a great deal of late.. I fear it has changed me forever, But I love it...! and, needless to say, the charming and talented EG FOxfire is (C) Carol Schneeweiss-alias-EeGeebles::EG Foxerooonie::E tha mighy G of FoxFire fame!!! :)
- I met a really cool avian not too long ago by the name of C Eagle! He has a really nice webpage as well as a friendly personality! We started exchanging stuff thru E-mail... this is a pic I did of his char. and mine cooling out...!
- Lotsa birthday parties for EG today!! At this one... since we couldn't get *one* cake with *thirteen* candles... we got you *thirteen* cakes, each with *one* candle!! Happy Birthday EG!!! Everyone in the picture is © their players/creators! This one was fun to do...! :)
- Thank you, EG Fox, for your wonderful rendition of me! (Why do you think it turned out badly? I think it's GREAT!)
- Thanks, little horse, for your comments! I'm glad you liked the words and pictures of Eldria's and mine. But it seems so impersonal to call you just 'little horse'. You must surely have a name, musn't you? (well, you're © Ken Stone, anyway, and Eldria Fox is © herself.)
- I got quite a bit of e-mail about my pic for Fetch of Eliza in her ST uniform. :) Here she is in the very first pic I did for Fetch. She's still © Eric Willette, natch! ::runs after that speedy tickler Chilly! ^_^ ::
- Like I said, Kevin and Trixi *both* surprised me with their beautiful portraits of myself and CW. (Which I hope they will post soon!) So here's my own little pics to them in return. Trixi and Tet demonstrate to whatever novices might be out there how this business of hugging *should* be done. Take notes... there will be a test later. :) The folf © Mr. D & the bunnylop © Ms. L.
- Now it's Kevin's turn. :) One gets the impression that he's kind of a shy doggie, whereas Boo, unless I miss my guess, doesn't know what the word "shy" means. Boo is © ErinV, Kev is © TKD, and I guess Valentines Day lasts all month this year...
- The good Doktor, being a page and a half short of a manuscript at times, had a few uncertaities going through his mind when the elegant Endgame said he was cute. But he seems to have recovered enough to graciously thank her for her charming complement. I guess he *can* be a gentleman when he puts his mind to it... <:) The very nice Endgame is © the even nicer Amy Fennell :)
- Thanks Erin! I'm at a loss for words at the number of folks my works have managed to reach... all I can say is... thank you! I keep thinking, though, that *this* particular gag would crop up sooner or later... :) Erin the Swordmaker © Julian Ho
- Hmm... I saw Jason's "what01.gif" comic, and I'm still getting E-mail about why I thought MelSkunk had passed on... somehow I guess I dropped the ball as to explaining myself. Hopefully this will clarify things.
- A clarification of the anti-gravity effect for Angel Bear.
- Lindgold has pointed out a few more things about the anti-gravity effect about which I was not as clear as I could have been. My apologies, Lindgold. (Who is © Grant Preston.) BTW, what happened to the cute Star Trek feline officer? :)
- Hmm... Kurt seems to have discovered something about the anti-gravity effect... something hitherto undocumented. Does this throw the entire discussion into a cocked hat? :) (Kurt is © Julie M.)
- I was a busy cat today. :) Seems anti-gravity is a popular topic of conversation. (And Haley, please don't feel bad about anything. You made the right decision.)
- You need to get down, CatsWhisker? Well, first of all, don't panic, as that Douglas Adams fellow likes to say, and try this. But be careful!! CatsWhisker is © Tawana Gilroy
- Okay, CatsWhisker, I guess you did get down okay. I don't think you *had* to land on my back, though. :) CatsWhisker © the rather mischievous Tawana Gilroy
- Sorry Lindgold, sorry Angel Bear... I'm still learning about Ragu's Law. Didn't mean to spill spaghetti sauce on you.
- Wow, thanks Lindgold, for the flying jacket! You shouldn't have. :) Lindgold is © Grant Preston and Angel Bear © G. Raymond Eddy
- Yay! Yerf is back, and looking quite spiffy! And now long file names are allowed, neat! Well done, Dingo &co. Here are a couple of images I made for a collection of early fanzine art of mine, said collection I never got around to creating... no biggie though. My pre-Yerf art wasn't that hot anyway. <:)
- The back cover art for that fanzine collection that never got off the ground. Maybe that was why? (Fanzine hunting out of season?)
- Fauxx wishes to know how I feel about his light-hearted attempt to swell my head? *chuckle* Sorry, Fauxx... but this cat is nothing if not humble. Any attempt to swell my head, even fancifully, will result in total failure. :) Fauxx © Brian Root
- 335 Artists. More than 20,000 picture files. Big for his age, isn't he? :)
- Here's the one I did of Fenn! Thanks Fenn! (He's © G. M.)
- Here is my friend Fetch as a campus canine. :) (and © Eric Willette, as usual.)
- After seeing Mel's latest, *exquisite* drawing of me I just... kind of floated away... Much thanks, Mel, for your deeply appreciated praise! Wow... quite the Mutual Admiration Society around here... :)
< 4/22— Albert Temple (Gene Catlow) —6/22 >