< 2/3— Tallulah Cunningham (Darkhorse)
More Gouache paper and trias: My human anatomy has really improved over the last year, I need to work on seals more though.
I did this back during the Wet season when there was plenty of fungus around. Tropical Pygmy Spotted Marsupial Unicorns for my Grandfather ^_^
I HAVE to redraw this with an anthro... I seem to be doing well with coloured pencil on black ^_^
Im going to redo this one as a watercolour - it turned out nicely.
Apologies for my lapse in uploads: I've been rather frazzled by other factors recently. Some may remember my assassin impala (who is really an oryx -_-;), Well she's still around and I've finally gotten round to drawing her again.
A water colour of one of my new friend's Wolf Malamute hybrid Shadow. She's a sweetie, pencilled and painted from life.
Sinahd, I'm not sure what he is, or from where but he's highly adapted to an arboreal life despite his vestigial wings. Sinahd, (with a double dotted 'a' that I can't reproduce here), and what ever his species is, baggy pants and all, is © to me.
A commission from Germany, Skip a kangaroo-helicopter cross and Harley a Honda Goldwing base Motorataur. Finally finished! Pencil and texta on a dreamy 220gsm paper
Gah nasty scanner - an attempt at sunset shadow colours
Inspired by some child's chocolatey finger prints on a lift door near work and the prints of my baby brother still slightly visible on my Grandma's wardrobe after all these years. Sprog means paw in gaelic. If you look closely you can see the names of all three of them in there though the twin's are sorta mangled ^_^.
I must be insanely exhausted to upload this... but here goes anyway. A summer feast in a dry land: I wonder what turquoise melon tastes like.
Swan spirit - I seem to have swans on the brain at the moment - its avimar - seeing them around everywhere.
Testing out some new Tria colours on gouache paper, Tamarind's a very dark morph Spotted Mist and © to me.
Tamborine of Birds. I wish I hadn't done this on scrap paper... Never mind it turned out so *right* no matter the materials.
The one Game my brother and I love to multiplay - only problem is I'm so unpracticed with the controller by the time I'm anywhere near an enemy Lupyne's taken care of it - hence this ^_^
Happy oestra all. Contemplating Eggs - their round completeness with worlds within.
"A tiger?! In Africa?!" Look in an atlas and see which direction he's going: It was pure coincidence but still funny, he's moving away from his target destination. Can anyone guess the inspiration for the picture? ^_^
Done to vent frustration at being imobolised with a sprained ankle for three days. Not really a recent picture but one I still like.
Tin, Tes and Tan, three friends that, lately, have been appearing time and time again in my class notes when the lectures are boring. Tria marker (yay) on bristol board.
How do you know you've watched the Beatles 'Yellow Submarine' too many times? Well at first the hints are subtle... Me and the Family dogs - getting groovy. Left to right are Barkly, Badger and Chile in psychadelic technicolour.
My first real go at using prisma colours and sort of an allusion to my life at the time of the picture's creation: bright and chaotic.
Wah! Emails from three Yerf artists who's work I have long idolised ^_^ I couldn't resist drawing them. This is one of my best pictures yet. Spacecat, Dalia and Synnabar are all © their respective mugnificent selves (& the fish are all native to Australian waters (even if they don't usually swim in the air))
On the road again and now back at school. On the upside I have my own scanner now!! (is living on rice and lentils for the next three weeks but who cares!) Iggy is © his reptillian self and Darkhorse is me'n'mine.
Inspired by the song by Merril Bainbridge.
My gargoyles character, my version of Australian gargoyle. Undoolya means eagle in Arrente I believe. She's a mongrel of breeds, I'm not sure where the sharks tail came from ^_^.
I've gotten a nifty new layout up for my site. Ironic that this version finally goes up the day my traineeship ends. Feedback most welcome! Pencil on cartridge paper
< 2/3— Tallulah Cunningham (Darkhorse)