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Another commission recently completed. Fokker the Racoon/Spitfire taking off. That's me free of commissions - now I might be able to catch up on a few requests @_@
Still alive and now in England @_@ -I've finally managed to find a scanner too. A future character in my online comic.
A colour piece for my online comic Gone Astray ( Cartridge paper and trias (huzzah for the marker fumes)
Oh I know this feeling Soooooo well! Especially when a program eats something you've been working on for the last two weeks.
I have a *thing* about flying fish don't I. Sort of a teaser for a future crossover of my online comic and that of a friend.
Fhy Tier, one of the main characters from my comic drawn Clamp style, My comic is online now too at
Finished just in time to post before leaving on Holidays ^_^ Hope everyone has a pleasant festive season!
A part of a picture I'm working on for my online comic.
A CD cover for my brother's school production music.
An old sleep overdose picture I just refound ^_^ It was done last year but is still pretty trippy. Playing around with ink and one colour
My first reaction to arriving in Darwin and my first real attempt at a black and white picture with no intention of colouring it.
I've finally got time to draw again >>Purrrrs!<< Gip, a character from a comic.
A gift for my Dad on his Birthday. I couldn't afford the motorbike he wants so I made it myself -_^ Some may remember the old picture, of Janice. This bike is called Velcro mark 2 because it sticks to the road (and it's her second bike).
Day 4: Gunlom, resting place of one of the dreamtime rainbow serpents. We went during the dry season when the waters (and snake spirit) were still and peaceful. During the Wet the place floods and the cliff face is a solid waterfall!
Day one of Kakadu: I saw several Jacana (or web footed lily trotter): they're groovy little birds and their toes are even longer than in this picture!
I've just returned from a trip to kakadu, this would have been up a week ago but for the disk dying on me. Hopefully I'll scan a few images from the trip. Had a great time! (And I do wear a hat like that)
The rock art at Noolangie and Ubirr (day 2&3 respectivly) was absolutely frantabulous! My favorite had to be the thylacine though: A dingo traveller ponders on the past, her kind are thought to have been a factor in the extinction of Thylacines on the main land.
Delayed but never the less- if there is one thing a horse can teach it's kicking... Reply to one of Hourglass Dolphin's last uploads - I hate feeling defenseless myself so drew a way of helping her defend herself. (For non-equestrians - A red ribbon tied on the tail is a warning that the horse kicks)
Late but none the less done. My part of a picture trade with Kinkajou. I was pretty much guessing on the clothing - Punk garb isn't really common where I live - the jeans turned out nice ^_^.
My never contributed contribution to Blackwolf's race thread here on Yerf a while ago. It's not that new but still fair to look upon. Lupyne is © to my brother and Darkhorse in her quadri-form is © to me ^_^
I spent too long looking at Micah's wonderful artwork and this sprung on me: A lovely androgenous leonine languidly ambles along before a vibrant verdant view. This image brought to you today by alliteration and the scent of lavendar...
A barter-commission for a good friend of mine, Lady Brooklyn. Acrylic on canvas, I really aught to do some more pieces in that medium. Lady Brooklyn is © her lovely self and Darkhorse is © to me.
A lovely piece I did during the Festive season at my grandparents. I plan to do the solar version to complement this soon. Prints may be available if any are interested.
Too late for the binary trading post but I thought it to nice not to share - mole cricket meet marsupial mole.
A somewhat generic feline with fans for a friend who claims I never draw anything for her. I'm rather fond of the colour mottled background.
Finally coloured and isn't it nice ^_^ A mock turtle mage summoning a warm wind. Pencil on Bristol board.
A little late but then the celebrations are still running here. This one will definately be a print when coloured!
No I'm not dead - just in Rural Ireland This and some other nice pieces are up for sale on Furbid:
Heading for the next waterhole: Illaki! One of my favorite characters! He's a black dingo and parks and wildlife ranger. Old Bess (the fish) isn't his usual mount, she's a pack 'mare'and the little grey creature is Nibik, sorta like a cattle doggy thing. The background was worked from a photo of the ranges near here and they *do* look that colour in the mornings They're all © to myself (except the ranges -_^) too.
Some Random Australian anthro heads for a collaborative Tshirt design. Im actually slated for a numbat, quoll or echidna but as I was sketching I realised no one had suggested a reptile or a piscian species and well... I got a bit carried away
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