Tallulah Cunningham (Darkhorse) —2/3 >
One of a series of ink pictures done for a Sci-fi and Fantasy newsletter/magazine with an Aardvark mascot.
Another picture for the newsletter A well armored Aarvark. Inelegant creatures aren't they.
I miss you!
Wishing a safe and fortunous new year to all as Araikao dances into her fifth new year (My annual art divination of what the new year holds, the four previous years can be seen on Elfwood).
Just to prove that I do get requests done (even if it takes over a year to get to it, as this one did @_@) I couldn't recall the details or person's name so did the closest I could remember. Isn't the ocean Grroooovy!
Jubai and Orson, a picture to show Syra I can computer colour but a)don't do it very often b)take a long time and c)am not very good at it (refer to a) and b) ).
April 25th. Anzac Day Lest we forget. (I didn't I was just late in uploading)
Waio!My first panda picture ever: Isn't she lovely! Blame this one on a late night of packing to get home, half a bowl of chocolate icecream, a post card from the 'bamboo lounge' bar and a friend accusing me of only ever drawing skinny anthros.
A textural test for a cornish rex coated commission I'm working on - somehow usually my 'quick tests' end up having names and characters of their own - just like her.
One of my parents friends gave me a set of their old motor-biking leathers. I look like a bikie's chick in them but it's an amazingly gratifying feeling to fit into them, especially since they were a mans leathers. Now I just need a bike ^_^
Lyrics by Live from 'Lightning Crashes'.
Uh. what to say? I'm finally back on track after a mad scramble to reorganise my life after getting a job and this turned out surprisingly well: Enjoy?
The reason sane people do not offer me anything containing caffeine after 3pm. Dedicated to my patient, long suffering family who have to put up with me when I am like this. Lupyne is © hisself and Darkhorse is mine. Please don't swipe!
Yah - in response to a Binary challenge (set by myself >_<) at long last I've done it - and anthro-visation of our Combi wagon. Go VW Combi!
Contemplating the egg.
this had been sitting in sketch form for half a year but is finally done and with such results! This picture will definately have prints!
Gah! Don't you just love the common cold.
Yah I'm still alive, and now in Texas @_@ [long way from home] Done on my flight from Sydney to LA after having a lot of trouble getting my passport back - a plea to owl spirits to help me get through emmigrations when I arrived - It worked ^_^
A swan on the swim - as to whether it's some one enchanted I could not say and don't know if it would tell.
I've been intending to draw Snowhawk's hansom guardian for a while now. Jerome is a character in her online comic Past Secrets. To all I've promised requests, I have two more assignments to do then I can properly sit down to draw. Hopefully within a fortnight.
Originally, and loosely, based on characters in my friends rpg this started as a B'day gift for a friend and my first real go at texta (that's markers for those of the USA) colouring. It is now a comic (which includes Fhy who isn't in this picture ^_^;) called Gone Astray. All characters depicted are © to moi, Darkhorse.
A lovely dragoness offers you a cup, the rubaiyat seemed to fit nicely so I added it. I am planning to illustrate the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayaam for my mother but don't know if I'll do it furry or not yet.
I don't really celebrate Easter in any way but never the less Viva la Easter Bilby!
A better quality rescan of my half of a long overdue picture trade with Elem3ntalblue
This is rather old but still I adore it. It was done in the morning before an afternoon exam, back in Year 12, I couldn't study so I 'meditated' with pastels on scrap card.
I can't believe how well this turned out! It's such a shame that the under sealant on the card played silly-buggers with the pencil on the two fans though. For those curious the kanji in the upper corner read 'minami no natsu' southern summer. I'm seriously thinking of doing the other three seasons ^_^
Happy Australia day everyone. A holiday to celebrate a nation's identity for most Aust-furs, yet a day of rememberance for others. Thirteen years have passed fast...
A tribute to the artwork of Susan Seddon-Boulet, an amazing and inspirational artist.
A commission for Glider, The sky-fish's scales turned out especially nice, it's a shame the scan lost so much of the contrast.
Tallulah Cunningham (Darkhorse) —2/3 >