Emily Stoll (SilvaVixen, Flame) —2/3 >
Some of you may remember that weird pic I did of a margay a while back..her name was Ashali. Anyway, I sorta re-did her face, so it looks better, and gave her a different hairstyle, (No, it was *not* based on Anya's, from Anastasia. ;) I would have drawn the rest of her, but I ran out of room on my paper. She was s'posed to be posing with her paws jammed into her pockets. Ah well. Ashali's © me.
A new character...Chloe skunk. Cute, huh? I finally came up with a semi-decent lookin' skunk gal! Wow. Too bad the pose is so ridiculous. Ah well, can't have it all, eh? :)
My 50th upload! Whoo-hoo! It's a long overdue piccie of Emmalee, probably the most accurate one I've ever done. (And in color, too! Wow! ;) Em's © me.
Just a buncha sketches of Emmalee. She hates dresses, which is why she's looking all nervous and embarrassed in the dress portrait. I really like the one of her in the jacket, I think I did a pretty good job on the detail. I'll probably end up coloring that one.
This was the cover for my paper. It's Flame. I thought the eyes turned out pretty neat-o! Uh..that's it. :)
I may make a new rule on my request page that if I am to draw someone's character, it must not wear an entirely black costume, because I'm really sick of wasting my black pencils trying fruitlessly to shade in black. It's insane! I used up almost all of my black pencil doing the last one and the one before that, so this time, I tried using a pen. I think it turned out ok, but I'd like to have lessons in crosshatching...
One of my friends IRL loves Victorian period clothing. Anyway, she asked me to draw her a Victorian-style pic, and I gladly agreed! I don't like how the dress came out at all, but the hair's kinda cool. I tried that 'shiny' look, and for once, it actually worked! (Bows for the viewers) Well anyway, her name's Jean. :)
Another gal who's done so many pics for me, and I haven't repaid her yet! Kyn! I did a pic for her a looong time ago, (for her birthday, actually) but I didn't like how it came out. Here's one that's actually semi-decent. She deserves way more, though, for all the awesome drawings of my chars she's done. Kyn's © Josie Bowler. Corel wasn't cooperating, so I have to do the © thing this way....:(
A piccie for Taan! Because she's my pal, and I don't draw her enough. At all. I've only drawn (at most) four pics of her characters since I've known her, mostly because I'm not exactly all that great at drawing her chars. But she's drawn hundreds of pics of my characters, 'coz she's really nice... Okay, well, anyway, here we have Ty looking out a window at a hill or something. Nice, eh? I even tried to do a somewhat different pose... Ty's © the everspiffy everkewl Jessica Park! :)
A char I created with my best friend in mind...(no, this doesn't look a think like her, but she loves chartreuse, so...) I just...had this urge to draw a fur with wild coloured headfur, and since Kelly Hamilton already has one with blue headfur (my favorite colour) I decided not to copy her, so green it is! Interesting looking gal, isn't she? Her name's Bianca D'lila Medici. Say hello, Bianca! ;)
That piccie of Em in the 'winter blues doldrums' now in colour! That's...about it.
I drew this when I was in the winter blues doldrums. I haven't exactly gotten out of there yet, buuuuut, we had one nice sunny day of 70 degree weather, so I'm happy. I got to wear shorts! This pic is a landmark one for me, because I think I've finally discovered my own style. I usually lean on other artists' styles, but this time, I think I might be able to consitently keep this type of style..
YERF IS BACK! YAY! Kudos to Rat and Sully and all the folks who worked on it.. Anyway, who, you may ask, is this gal?'s.. Carissa! She asked for another piccie, and I gladly drew one! I think this could be my new favorite pic, I just love how the face came out. Yay. Well, that's all.. Oh, incidentally, the pose came from an "Ever After" pic, so that's why she's holding her paw up in the air. Uh..nevermind. Wait! I knew I was forgetting something...Corel was being is © her player. ;)
Tracy Butler is an -awesome- artist, and I thought I'd do a little tribute pic for her. Too bad it scanned so crappily! Argh..
Here's the scoop on this pic. Erin drew me a beautiful pic for my birthday, and I didn't read the name of the artist on the recents, so I assumed it was Meike Thomas who drew it, 'coz it sorta looked like the one she did earlier for me. Not thinking I wrote a thank you (and I even addressed it to Erin, 'coz I got her email off her yerf page!) and wrote it to Meike, not Erin! Argh! Well, I felt like a complete idiot, so here's a little pic for Erin in return. I guess Chespi has a right to look annoyed. :)
Do you know what's extremely frustrating? Trying to color a character that wears an entirely black costume. Consequently, this pic looks like a big black blob, but at least I tried, right? I should've tried to ink it in black, and color the red stuff later. Oh well. There's always next time.
My 100th pic! Well, I didn't do anything special for it, because I usually clean up my directory after awhile, and making a special pic would be pointless 'coz I'd just delete a bunch and it'd no longer be my 100th pic. Anyway, that's about all, folks! I'm gonna go play with gouache now!!
I want to watercolour this one! I drew it after watching "Anne of Green Gables" (very cute) while I was sick. I don't have a name for this little gal yet, but she's awfully cute. (IMO). She was supposed to be opening a gate, but I couldn't draw it that way very well, so it looks sorta funny.
Daton Stroffdane, an otter dude. Too bad he doesn't look like an otter! We won't go into that anymore. I tried doing a more..interesting pose, I sorta like the arm reaching for the arrow thing. It looks kinda cool.
A pic for Destiny wolf. This is officially the LAST request pic I'm taking for the summer. That doesn't mean that if you pay me it'll make me do a pic for you. I'm going to be waaaaay too busy, and I just have to quit. I'll be putting that up on my website, too, for those who don't check this often. Hopefully, I won't get any request emails, 'coz I'll have to turn them down.
Dooky! Meike Thomas is a great artist. Wish I could colour like that! Well, anyway, here's my cruddy rendition of her character. Somehow, I don't think iguanas can sit in a pose like that. Oh well! Incidentally..."Meike"... Ist das nicht eine Deutsche Name? (That probably makes no sense. :)
Draven Silverfang requested a pic. He's a black footed ferret, which is a critter I hadn't tried to draw before. I probably shouldn't have tried anyway! I didn't want him to have anthro legs in the pic 'coz he doesn't wear pants, so I made his legs too long without thinking about it. Whoops! Oh well. Hope his player likes it anyhow!
A pic of Emmalee in a long trenchcoat thingy... I like how it looked in black and white better than it looks now, if that makes sense. Thought I'd upload it 'coz I showed it to some friends and they all thought it was pretty cute..
A bunch of Flame sketchies. I was bored.
Flame in my favourite dress from "Ever After". Not that I _like_ Marguerite, but this was just the coolest dress! Incidentally, if you -haven't- seen "Ever After" yet, rent it the second it hits the video stores, folks, 'coz it's awesome. Yeah. =)
A cute little pic of Flame in a travelling outfit...well, at least she looks like she's about to travel somewhere. I dunno. I like it though!
Gwendel drew an adorable pic of Flamerz a while back, and I've just now found the time to draw her one in return! Thanks a ton Gwendel!
Drew this one for a pal who was feelin' pretty down. I really like the expression on her face! I did it all with those bubbles and sketchy things (I have no idea what you call them!) that the pros use when planning out their characters...does this make sense? Anyway, it turned out really nice, IMO, so I think I'll continue to do that. I stuck this pic on a piece of paper with an excerpt from "Endless Night" off the TLK on Broadway soundtrack, all written in nice orange letters. She said she liked it. :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! Whew. Yeah, it's my birthday today. Woo hoo! So I drew this stupid picture of 'Lee pulling a 'Who, me?' gesture. I dunno what this has to do with birthdays, oh well.
A birthday card I made for one of my bestest friends. She likes deer and Victorian things, so I tried drawing a Victorian deer. Unfortunately, I don't have very many Prisma markers, so I couldn't do anything really inventive with the dress, but I think it turned out kinda neat! Sorta like a stained glass window, huh? :) Oh, and in case you couldn't tell, (I find it rather difficult, myself..) she's holding a nice teacup and saucer. (Maybe I shouldn't have told you that, 'coz now y'all can laugh at my puny attempt at prop drawing..*sigh*.)
Emily Stoll (SilvaVixen, Flame) —2/3 >