< 2/5— Emily Smith (Minwa, Nisyha) —4/5 >
Blessed be the radical dreamers. (Limited colour scheme. Katlin © E. Smith)
Katlin! CG! I need markers! © me.
Yay, pencil stuff. Sketchy, but I tried to clean it up ... wee. Bad paper, too. o_O;; Dangit. She doesn't really have wings (well, I might give them to her warrior form later...) an' I'm just playing with ideas for her Warrior name... description end.
Katlin Ran Vyeda! Or Ittle Katty, if you like. :) And old pic I gave a background to--miyajuli scanned it long, long ago. :)
Katlin in Kate Winslet's dress from the Oscars. I really just liked the dress..
Katlin in a green dress in the .. rain? The hiragana says 'ka-te-ri-n', which is like ... how you pronounce her name. I think. o.o;; Someone correct me if I'm wrong... :ahems: Few artist can pull off things well with crayola makers. I ... am not one of those people. (PS: This might be my last upload for an even longer time if I flunk my math final.. wish me luck! x.x BTW, if you've drawn me a pic and I owe you (Missy! Anise!) it'll be uploaded soon! :D )
Katlin, as she appears in 'Warrior Ares' .. something I'm working on that not even my net-neechans know much about. ~^
THANK YOU FOR BOOFUL PICCIE, KEN!! This is a picture that I've planned, and finally had time to draw. What do you think should be the next line, Ken? :) Stinken © Ken Singshow, Mitzi © me.
Well, Mitzi got that autograph! And looking at poor Stinken, it seems she was really happy about it, too... Mitzi's excitable. :) Based on an idea from Ken Singshow on a reply he gave me on the first pic, if that makes any sense.
Khar'pern, a ghatta from the Ghatti's Tale books, in anthromorphic style. As always, comments are appreciated on all of my work. I lap it up. I live on it. Khar'pern (C) Gayle Greeno. Mid '97, colour.
The colouring job is a bit off, but, hey... it's Kitmitri! Kit © me, Dimitri © Fox.
With all the uploads on other animals with wings, no one seems to be paying attention to the birds who should have those wings, but don't! :sniff: JP and I talked about this for a while.. and we decided to pay homage to those cute little flightless birdies from New Zealand.. kiwis! This is Nigel and Samantha Neill, two adorable little wingless wonders for your eyecatching enjoyment. ^_^
Well, my friend Liz suggested this.. it looks better in colour. I'll scan it when I get my flatbed for my birthday.. hopefully.. (my b-day is 29 June, but I don't know how many people actually -care-..)
Getting bored while watching 'Trainspotting' gets weird results. (Sketchy!)
Yesterday, I talked to Jessica Park briefly about how I was going to draw Sonia's brother, Lance. We, of course, got on the subject of Millenium (or however you spell it), and I watched said show last night. I didn't really know if I wanted Lance to totally look like a young Frank Black but... I changed my mind. >:) Lance © me. (note: my scanner is sucking and all my scans are "dirty" as of now. I'll try and get them cleaned up soon. :)
She's going to hurt me for this one. ^~ :ducks and covers: [Comments, as always, appreciated..thank you SO much to those who gave me them for my last slew of uploads! I just wish I could've replied to all of them.. gomen ne!]
Only thing I have lately worth posting. Mac, from Jojoushi no Uta, is having a nice, rare, peaceful moment on the ship deck. Mac & Jojoushi no Uta © me, Emily Smith. Media: Prisma pencils. 12-19
Tiny lil' sketches are always fun -- this one turned out fairly nice, so I scanned it. I always go overboard on the Variation tones, I know -- but sometimes a picture doesn't -always- look best in grayscale... that's my opinion, though.
Look, pencil. Look, smudging. Look, blue cheese "Variations" tones. Overly cute for a reason. I like how clean the scan turned out...
Mitzi Drakeriver, from "Eden PATHS". I really like the detail on the subject - but ignooooore the baaackkgrrouund... (I just threw that in there - why??) This would be the first thing I'd transfer to a big peice o'Bristol paper if I had the chance... the question is: should I CG it or should I use traditional media for it? If anyone would like to help me out on this, thank you in advance!
This is Mitzi Lightstar, and she's all un-decked out! She wanted to join the USA Divsion of the Android Amazons (you know, Vicki, Cauda, Tanya?). She posed for this pic just for Stinken? You like, 'Ken? :) Mitzi © me. (Trixi and I seem to have the same name ideas nowadays. Maybe I should do a double Mitzi pic, ne? ;)
Angsty~. Nyako-sensei, with my bad, horrid kana at the bottom. 'M lea~rning... this upload is for Clint, who keeps an eye on my stuff. Hi, Clint! *wave*
*dust dust* Homura, or Vicki, depending on what story she's in. Decided I needed to get in touch with my 'roots' lately; Painter 5.5, Vicki © Me.
Nakum Bloodclaw, Sala's brother. Rather handsome, no? Well, I guess so.. I hope this picture does Koom justice. :) (Nakum and image © me.. and I didn't really put that info in the picture. Gak. o.O)
Welp, I'm off tomorrow for Florida. Only a day and a half with my family.. then, to bug the Parks! Mwahahaha! Yes, Jess, I'm coming down willingly, even though I'll be in your evil clutches. >;) Here's a picture that just about explains everything. I still need a shower (you wanted to know that), my legs hurt (lactic acid sucks), and I still haven't packed or cleaned up my room. Whooops..... Emmers © Me. Who'd want to steal me, though? I wouldn't think anyone would...
I know neechan isn't the biggest fan of furry art, but I wanted to get something up for her 'cause I owe her so much. Love ya, big sis! [A lovely PS deal - although it started screwing up on the bigger version, so I cropped it... oyai!]
One of my first attempts at colouring on my new paint programme. I put a little text in here; not much, but it filled in a little dead space. This is Nisyha, one of my personal furries, and she looks slightly perplexed. I dunno. It's not the best pic in the world, but I'm just starting to use this thing! :) Nisyha © me. (Re-uploaded because I've gotten the Perfectionist Bug from Jessi. ;)
My head hurts, my nose is stuffed up, I'm trying to wrestle with my HTML editor.. but I still managed to do this ink sketch. I think it turned out /great/, seeing as I was half-asleep when I drew this. I'm slowly losing conciousness.... hey, it looks like Nish doesn't have a tail. Wow. I /am/ Metaluna...
Old picture.. Nisyha in blue clothing.
Nisyha Starlight Kylborne.. I dunno. I think it's a pretty okay picture.. I know she looks much taller than normal, I really wasn't thinking that while I was composing this during, uhm, World History. What can I say.. I have /lots/ of free time in that class. ;p
< 2/5— Emily Smith (Minwa, Nisyha) —4/5 >