< 1/5— Emily Smith (Minwa, Nisyha) —3/5 >
Missymissymissy! In Rei's plug suit, natch! ^^ Nothing else will do! (And this pic proves I... need to work on my PS teq. I still can't make my lines look pretty.. ;.; Any tips? *whimper*) Now back to the drawing board! ^^
Tis Mishii-san, and nothing more. ^.^ I'm working on a better version of this ... Missy (C) Sara H-san ^.^
The big thing that I like about this picture is that it's the first computer colouring job that I *like* AND.. I didn't steal the pose. MWAHA! Uhm.. I'll be quiet now. (I like this series, can't you tell..?)
Iz Seby!!! I had to draw her because I oweded her a pic from so long ago.. I hope you like, Sebrina! Sebrina © Megan Dombroski. (I tink that's how you spell your name, Megan..I hope..)
TDS! >;)
Jessica Park's Taan, coloured in a /different/ way. It's a bit choppier, but it's cool. Jessi coloured it in that new, interesting way. :) Ty © Jess'ka.
The JP Adventure, Continued! Well, this guy (whoever he is, I don't know his name) is not really wearing any clothes, but nothing is really, uhm, showing. Besides, there are plenty of pictures of female furries not wearing any clothes, so why not have at least a few males? Jessica thought of the filename. Isn't she clever? Image and character (whoever he is) copyright Emily Smith.
Iz not-so-late holiday piccie. There still -are- holidays going on, yay! I love you, no matter what you celebrate. ^_^ So have a happy rest o' yer holiday!!! sar`rah and the Tahl race © me. (ackfut. sar`rah too small. too much text. I hope it's still okay to have up. ^_^)
This picture hardly does her justice, but it made my sister happy. For you, Jazzers.
Furtainment Weekly (the furry mag that Nyako-sensei works for) is trying to do an article on Mr Ocicat.. the ONLY fur I know who keeps us on Yerf up-to-date on on the latest Furry releases in the media! A tip-o-th'-hat to you, Williams-sama! ^_^
While watching "Dead Poets Society" (which is a gorgeous movie, by the by), I doodled this pic of Nishie and Craig, "Grease" style. (Grease is the word!) Cute, no? Pic one of two.
Pic two of two. You can see Nisyha's tattoo here! (Whee!) I'm very proud of this picture and I think it turned out pretty okay. Jessica said it looked commercial. Or something. :) And who has actually read the lyrics to "Greased Lightnin'"? Jess and I found them very.. interesting. Yes. Ahem. Grease is the word! (Again.)
I can't write... that says "Phantasm Wolf". Anou, it's late...
This is my kitty. If you say she isn't cute, she'll cheerfully kill you. Okee? Okee! ^^
Aha! The Great Sketch of Millie is here! Yay! I did this all in ink, and I'm pretty proud of it. :D Millie © her player. :) (see, the dragon did remember! ;)
Hmprh. Well, I drew dis piccie o' Ty wit pen. Iz Jessica's b-day piccie. Weehaw. :) Like I could forget that guy on her birthday. :)
HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY, HOWIE 'N GENE! Beware of the Ryu Gonin Shamai. o.o They MEAN well with their gifts, especially Katlin... Gene © himself, Howie © himself, Katlin © moi.
I hate you, JPEG compression. I had the urge to colour something. Then I coloured it, then remembered why I don't often have the urge to colour anything. I wish for markers, or a tablet, or ... something. But, Homura was drawn and maybe she found my way out of this drawer's block. Whoopie! © me. (Re-uploaded 'cause, well, JP put it best: "The cig looks a little wonky." Hopefully it is a little un-wonky. Because it was wonky.)
Never have a non-bunny say anything about "bashing a dave" around a non-dustbunny, or the non-bunny will be bored to tears while the non-dustbunny acts all cute (i am not cute) and annoying (i am not annoying, damnit) and well...I feel sorry for Hysteria. Hysteria © miyajuli, and sar`rah © me.
Watch as I amaze you all with weird inside jokes! Here's something I owe mah sista, JP. I hope she sees this before she leaves today.. >:) Love ya, sis!! (BTW, happy b-day everyone who's had/having a b-day! I'm sorry I didn't get any pictures done.. blasted drawer's block.. ;.; I'll try toget some up!) [Image reuploaded for smaller image size.. gomen! ^^;;]
If my sister didn't play her darn music so loud, I'd be asleep. Here's to insomnia and pencil smudging! [Jink © JP, Eatl © me, just to be on the sa~fe side.]
Assorted Julie Miyamoto peoplez. I dunno.. I think Kimmy came out thes best. I jus' needed to draw summa miyajuli's characters.. uhm.. alla dem are © her.
A year old picture of the title character of.. Jojoushi no Uta. Guess what her name is! C'mon, guess! ^~
My favourite picture out of the batch. Pencil, and a cute background. ^^ Comments would always been nice, really.. (please? ;.;)
Quick pen sketch o' Jojoushi, coloured with Crayolas. Ah, talent. You won't find it in this picture.
Sketch sheet! Next to last one, I swear. Poor girl. Closest thing I have to a 'fan service' character, which I didn't intend to happen. Her supporting cast all has perfectly fine clothing habits (not taste.. habits). See my Mac pictures for reference.
Last one! (everyone shouts, "horray!") 10-minute Photoshop job on this one. It shows. A lot. But that's okay.. I needed one more upload. And now.. back to the requests I have (and I don't think I'm gonna take any more, seeing as I'm already backlogged on the small amount I have..ughk.) Now back to the *other* uploads, which are probably much more interesting than these files. ^~
C'est moi.
A reallyyyy old picture that I found and re-did. Tis a picture of Angel-kun, Go-chan, and moi, Emiri-kun.. I drew it before Yerf went down, t'tell you how old this puppy is. I think I did okay on the colouring..PSP5 is beginning to like me. (Except it doesn't like doing backgrounds for me ;.;)
< 1/5— Emily Smith (Minwa, Nisyha) —3/5 >