Emily Smith (Minwa, Nisyha) —2/5 >
Kanwaii Nyako, in an anime-style.
Just because - because I can.
See JP. See JP like Tarzan. Drool, Jessica, Drool.
Uhm.. I really don't know what Asha is doing with a sword, seeing as she's a page an' all.. but, uhm.. I like the pose..? Charla, don't kill me... please...?
Here it is again ... Azuma from Ryuu Shimai. Kudos to my Azy-anego.
Funny, my hair is cut almost exactly like hers, yet I cannot draw it on her. Or me for that matter. ... nevermind.
It's not depression -- it's confusion, I guess. And it's driving me nuts. ~.~ And there are just some times you want someone just to be there to hold you ... so that's what I expressed in this pic. Or tried to, at least. Mirie & Kikumi © me.
C'nel! Yay! :D I owed her this pic for, like, a million years... I messed up a little on it, Kel, but I'll try and redo it for ya! :) C'nel © Colleen "Le Kel" Phillips. :)
Please cheer up, Regan. :( Remember that you've got friends who love you. I'm sorry this pic is really sketchy: I'm only in the possesion of a rundown #2 pencil.
Craig Kilborn, as a fuzzy kitty. :) Craiggers wears glasses off-set, so therefore, he has them here. Sigh..Craig.. weee... 8) Craig is certainly copyright his own person. (BTW-The lines came out to thick--but my scanner fyked up and I'm just glad it's working again! o.O)
Craiggers again! This one is purty okay, I thinkie. BTW, I have to do the glasses with the mouse, so they didn't come out the way I wanted. :sigh: Ah, well. Craig is his own person, yet again.
Craig Kilborn--last one in this series. I'll draw more Craig later if ya'll want. This is my FAVOURITE of the 3 pictures, maybe because his outfit is based on a RL outfit that is completely gorgeous on him. ;) Craig is his own person..actually, he's MINE!!! >:)
Craig Kilborn in his zen outfit..thing from the commercials. Don't have time for a decent desc...
Emmers got a new toy.. Paint Shop Pro 5! It's beautiful.. beautiful.. (rat: d'oh! I know this isn't my message board.. sorry! 0^_^) Tis Host Kilborn, in a rather small pic, but tis the world perfect? No.
In each dark cloud/You can find/A little ray of sunshine to brighten your day/And if you don't find/The ray of sunshine/you've got to try to do it the next day. © Emily Smith
The companion picture to "ckbrite.jpg".. Craig in overalls. Wee. I'm descriptive at 6:15 in the morning without any sleep for a whole day and something more. Uhhhhhhh....
A rather old picture I did that I found coloured on Jessica's HD. I still think it's pretty cute. :) Craig and Kit get ready to play for the Eclipse basketball team. Both characters copyright me. :)
My pal Sarah stores the good stuff in her hair; that's what I'm sniffing, by the way. (It's still not as potent as art markers, though.)
Deanna Skuhly, from the MUCK-Formerly-Known-As-Redwall. Deanna is good friends with most of the Eclipse members, and is an adept healer. Myeah. Deanna (C) Me. Early '97, B/W.
Gankru Stardark, Lyssya Starswift, Nisyha Starlight, and Rytklyn Starshear. Try saying all THOSE names three times fast... Names and Characters © Moi. Isn't that special? I'm cleaning this up as we speak; colour to come soon. Horray.
Kanwaii Nyako, in my own style.
Emily the Rose! I was talkin' to Jess Park about Secret of NIMH when I was colouring it--I think I did an okay job of it. :) Emily © me.
It's me as the Slayers character I best personify. ^~
Tis the season, or something. Eridanus and Lyssya decked out in rough-and-ready scoundrel gear. :) I like this picture. :D Eridanus © his player, Lyssya © me.
..haven't..uploaded.. ;^^ I've got a ton of requests to go through, and a big picture series I'm working on.. and a bunch of other stuff.. so here's just a few pictures that I did this weekend that were at the top of the list. Yeek. ;.; This is Angel and Go, as Mai and Andy from 'Fatal Fury'. Mai's outfit scared me, and I hope that Angel-chan won't kill me for putting her in it. ;^^ All pen sketch, I'm working on something better.
A re-coloured snippet of a larger work. The original had humans in it, so I had to cut that out, obviously. Based on the current angst level in the Shiawase universe. Azee's not happy about what's happened to Emmers. Colour, done in happy-fun Photoshop 4. Asrial © Jessica Heyl, image © me, Shiawase universe © R.A.N. (if you have to ask, you'll never know ^~), and cheez-wiz is the food of choice.
Been a while since I posted.. this is late, I know. Azee's b-day, wit' How'e dancin' with her! :) Azee told me over the phone that she wanted someone to draw this w/the lyrics.. I dunno who sung them though, but they fit! :) Happy (belated) b-day, Azee-chan! :)
Just a little concept sketch for a mini-comic I may be doing in AmeriManga... June Summers. (Ain't that a cheesy name?)
Hehe! The fabulous Fursome, all whom I admire a lot! (Except, I don't think it shows in this picture..o.o;;) The scan wasn't that good. ;.; I got the idea whilst watching the MST3k episode "Space Mutiny".. :runs and hides: Kevin "Sting" Dog © Thomas Dye; Gene "Warrior Mumu" Catlow © Albert Temple; Trixi "No Knowlage of Ancient Dentistry" Bigfoot © Candy L.; Tet "Slab Bulkhead" Solfire © Ryan Dewalt. Please please PLEASE don't kill me! :waves a little white flag and smiles sheepishly:
Angel and Go.. again! As Miaka and Tamahome, no less. (FY's been dubbed and released and the dubbing is GOOD!! ^^!!!) I think this is okay.. I'm still trying to work with pencils.. I'm proud of Angel's outfit. I hope it's okay, Go-sama, Angel-chan! ^^ I based all the colouring on a sticker, and the crappy BG is AGAIN.. brought to you by PSP5.
Emily Smith (Minwa, Nisyha) —2/5 >