Here's a Corporate comission for a T-shirt Graphic, for a internal work team. Ink on Bristol. Scott A. H. Ruggels 3 / 2000
The Elderly Scholar, not being nearly as active, decided that he would stay in camp, and try to earn something about Asheru's people. He would sit and talk with the young adults, and kids who did their chores in camp, and they were happy to talk with him, and share gossip, and learn of the outside world. It added some interest to their otherwise routine chores. Pencil on paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels. 1 / 2003
The city was built along a river. Though apparently the climate had become quite a bit drier since the city had been inhabited. The bed of the river was the closest water they could find, and they camped there at night, with the pops and moans of the stone cooling in the frigid desert night making sleep a little uneasy. Pencil on paper. Scott Ruggels 5 / 2 0 0 3
Been busy making a PS2 game so 12 hour days are the norm. Spare time is inking some stuff for Roz, and re-enactments, But i did have time to squeeze this in. Your Serve Cara :-) Happy Halloween. Pilot precise on recycled paper & photoshop lettering and bordering. Scott A. H. Ruggels 8 / 2000
A couple of people were curious to see some of my old stuff. here's some of the oldest I will share. This is a shot of a character from my early 80's college days, "Combat Cat". He was the main character in a strip proposal for the University's ROTC newsletter, stressing the basics of small unit tactics, through gross humor. Notice my fat ink lines and "shaded" eyes. Scott A. H. Ruggels 5 / 2000
here's a more "updated version" of the characters from that strip. The large Panther is Josiah Coffee, and Combat Cat's full name was C.C. Rodriguez, and the Hound was the smartass, but I forgot his name. I had a toonier style back then. That strip was the first "brush inked" project I had ever done. Scott A. H. Ruggels 5 / 2000
This Pic i did for a friend who was feeling blue, and I hope the cheer still keeps up. Tsu may look angry, but her eyebrows do not move, and she always looks a little stern, She's actually in a very jolly mood. Chastity © 1999 Jonathan McDermott Tsurukh © 199 Scott A. H. Ruggels
The evil continues! ha! After Consultation with Clio Chiang on the binaries board, I have replayed the scene of Asheru's faux pas with Magnus in Chibi form! It's Virinia, Magnus, Asheru, the Young lord, and The armsman, all in SD Mode! ha ha ha! G-Pen nibs, deleter inks, on bristol, with Photoshop "zipwork" Scott A. H. Ruggels 8 / 2000
Well, 70's cops need a 70's ride. Below is a 1970 Plymouth Fury with a 440, and a sixpack carb system, cop shocks and cop brakes. I'd like to thank for the research materials. Characters owned by their respective creators, Pencil and stubs on paper (The car drawing classes in college show, don't they?) Scott A. H. Ruggels 1 / 2001
The last I'll post on the Cop Show thread. This is in response to Pat, and Emilie's appropriation of Mary Minch's Mouse during that craziness. MaryMouse is © Mary Minch. The rest is mine. (California Injoke enclosed) Pencil on paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels 1 / 2000
The Local Governor grants employment to wounded veterans of the legions who have no family or other prospects, that are able to work. This is some of the staff Asheru Sees when the party pays their respects. From Left to Right: The Chief of Household Staff, A groundskeeper (armed as he works outside), an elderly scribe. Not a veteran, but maybe the family of one, are these two linnen maids, probably mother and daughter. Pencil on paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels 3 / 2000
More Copic brush pen inks. This piece is to commemorate the achievement of the Austrailians defending the City of Tobruk in 1941, and handing the Germans their first defeat in a ground engagement in WW2. Using the German's 'strength' as a weakness, and luring them into a trap with false weakness. This is the 60th anniversary of that battle. Copic Markers on paper, w Photoshop colors. Scott Ruggels 9 / 2001
Another piece done to test the new art supplies. The paper, this time is some increadibly marker friendly "DELETER Comic Maniscript paper: Type A" It's a heavy, smooth (plate) finish paper, of a very fine grain. Almost like drawing on a styrene sheet. Wonderful stuff. I got it from the Comictones Booth ( $5.00 for 40 sheets ($6 for 150% up from manga print size) Who is this guy? I haven't a clue. he may or may not be from Asheru's story. Copic markers on Manga paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels 7 / 2001
I was flattered with Heather's piece, and decided to respond. Tsu adds her comments upon Dtcha's appearance. Tsu is a nightclubber and is used to it all. Dtcha is Heather Reedy's Tsu is mine. Scott Ruggels 3 / 2000
Sully, usingthe tablet is easy. just tkaes practice, you should get it. And if it's pressure sensitive, you can even finally get tapered brush type lines. This Piece took me about 25minuteswith the tablet here at work (At beta, ral work has ended.. bug testing begins), With more time I usualy do better. Sully ©1999 Scotty Arsenault Tumansky © 1999 Scott A. H. Ruggels
This goes out to those two fangirls Amy and Cara. They make me laugh. :-) Copic inks, photoshop colors. Scott A. H. Ruggels 6 2001
This is my pencils, with Mike Sagara inking. I love his inks.he is someone worth learning from. Evan ©1999 Scott A. H. Ruggels
Here is a detail closeup, showing the crispness of the line work, and how the ends of the inked lines are terminated cleanly and sharply.Also the use of hatchure brings out the form as wll as shading. Marks of superior workmanship. Thanks Mike! Even © 1999 Scott A. H. Ruggels
The nameless female wolf, again. Pencil sketches. This time, trying out some fighting stances. I'm generally not good with "pre-gunpowder combat". Any suggestions would be helpful for this "sword and dagger" fighter. Scott A. H. Ruggels 2000
What a difference a meal makes. Humans censored out of the pic. Because she came from an animation process, often I can 'board' little scenes of her easily. How she ate came to me as a little movie in my head. I just put it down on paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels 2 / 2000
Thank you all for the hints and suggestions in regards to combat posing. Here is the unamed female again,with her sword and dagger, lookinglike she is beginning to think she may be outclassed. Scott A. H. Ruggels 2/2000
She has other moods.Here is the Nameless female wolf in a couple of happy moods. Pencil on paper, as are the rest of the FB series. Scott A. H. Ruggels 2/2000
This isn't the usual sort of thing i do, but after the flurry of activity surrounding the release of the Female Werewolf PPM on the Q2pmp I guess i had female lupines on the brain. Pencil on paper. i may ink it and send it to the ironclaw folks. Scott Ruggels 1999
This one is for Megan, who asked so nicely. Sometimes, especially when animating a character, the character takes up residence in your head. It's obvious that she's "related' to the Q2 model I recently completed, but is not /quite the same. Occasionally she sits in myhead and asks to be let out onto the paper, and oftne I have no clue what she wants to do.This is her using her weapons. Pencil on paper. Scott Ruggels 1999
" ...Here's the windup...and the swing!" Practicing the "action moves for sword work. Not my accustomed combat mode. She lends herself quite nicely to movement. No name yet.. But more of her background and what's going on is slowly becoming apparent. Scott A. H. Ruggels 2/2000
Here, our nameless female Wolf, squares off in her second "evaluation fight", this time with a "Civilized Lupine", who is with the group for political reasons. He "has issues' with barbarians, and this is right before he starts breaking wooden weapons all over her. Blanked background figure is the young human lord. Scott A. H. Ruggels 2/2000
A lot of times, a character will show other sides of themselves unexpectedly. I never expected her to be "nice", but she seems to be. This is a cropped version of a larger sketch page . the full page I will post to "binaries" as it has (gasp!) humans in it. But a lot of this is exploring character. Finding out what they are like. (not that this does me a whole lot of good, as I have lots of characters, and a poor ability to tell stories.) If I have to animate her again, I'm ready. Scott Ruggels 1999
Here she sits, bored and pensive at the dinner table. I have no idea what she's waiting for. Maybe lunch? Pencil on paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels 2/2000
Here she is in a pensive mood again. Apparently people like the sketches of her, and said so at the con, so I am posting them so that those not there can geta peek in the sketchbook. Scott A. H. Ruggels 2/2000
Asheru, and the ladies of the Civilized Lupine Court. They do not seem impressed. They trim their neckruffs so as to avoid looking like "Fuzzy Barbarians". They wear wire jewelry in their ears, so that their ears do not betray their true feelings. They wear 'Imperial" fashions. The blocked figure, is the young human lord. Scott Ruggels 3 / 2000