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Another faux-japanese ink drawing. This time of a fox actor. I felt the fox suited this role for several reasons: Actor prints were very popular subject matter, and the feminine nature of the fox in legends meshes well with male actors, who played both male and female roles in all plays. Interesting fact; while researching the style, I came across a 17th century "Furry" print called "The Foxes wedding procession". Very cool. =)
Cute little Valentines Day doodle. Ok, so I haven't uploaded in a while...
Ok, I wanted to show off my 3D animation work. It's still in progress, and there's a lot I still need to do. No, it's NOZT supposed to be the same fox as my 2d characture in the corner.
A young apprentice must learn a hard lesson about the true nature of healing when a childhood friend is seriously ill. Will she learn the true value of being a healer to her community, or will she learn that sometimes you simply can't save them all? This is a fully watercolored painting, and can be purchased online through FurryBid. number 986787865
Harriet, the tabby toon rabbit spirit of FurryMUCK on Vacation in an old-world city.
Opal of FurryMUCK modeling a gift from her husband Critas.
A birthday gift for local NE furry Aelis, of her and her boyfriend Kee. Aelis and Kee are © to their players.
Kepler of FluffMUCK
A powerful manifestation of a Kitsune spirit, with blazing fire and glowing eyes. This was an earlier watercolor piece, done on commission.
Pitch, an alternate character of mine. This one came to me in a dream, and was so interesting that I had to make them up as a character. I just wish I hadn't dreamt of them being so BLACK, or I would have used a different coloring technique... oh well.
Before I drew furries, I drew dragons. I guesss this can be considered as me getting back to my roots. Trantalin Darksbane, an anthro dragon warrior, and copyright me. One of my oldest recurring characters.
A relatively "honest" furry self portrait, with a photoshop filter inspired poem. The number of tails are based on career goals I've set for myself. The three I have there means I'm an unemployed animation grad.
A valentine's day sketch... Yes I'm behind on my postings, so sue me! Done for my friends at the Studio de l'Artiste on FurryMUCK.
Clockwise from far left) Platinum, Kitsune, Jazz, and Dope in a group photo
Grasscutter Revisited. I've always loved classical Japanese prints. When I got some hand-made peper, It gave me the excuse to play around in tha style. All brush inked too! For sale at AnthroCon
A Russian Propaganda poster featuring the First dog in space. Translation: Laika. She wants you Jon the Soviet Space Military! Also for sale at Anthrocon.
Nestine: A fieldmouse game somewhat like half-court full contact basketball. The goal is to thread your team's plume through the ring on a tall fencepost.
Platinum, designed for a button to wear to AnthroCon.
"Swimming with Sharks", pencil crayon on pastel paper, sold at Anthrocon. A female otter vs a couple 'Pool Sharks'. Bonus points to anyone who catches the obscure reference in this scene.
Vicki Fox and Jazz stroll through the Southern Pecan Festival, only to be bombarded from above by Ricky G. Thank goodness for period parasols with pecan-pelting protection! Vickie is © Mike Russell, Jazz and Ricky G are © me. Done on commission.
Commission for Mike Russell: Vicki Fox in the women's volleyball tournament at the 2000 Auzzie Olympics. A classical animation cel (Real materials too!) over a waterclored background. Vicki is copyrighted to Mike Russell
Commission for Mike Russel for Vickie becomes the unwitting subject of a nature documentary.
Commission for Mike Russell for . A fairly appropriate metaphor for 'Webrings'.
Lovers Chala and Shandowner Dancing the Night away in each other's arms.
Is she threatening the judges, or simply finishing her routine? When I first sketched this out, Skorzy pointed out that it reminded him strongly of an XianJaguar piece, so I made sure to clear it with her. Many thanks to her for being nice about this. =)
A quick sketch of MIRC's Orcinus Orca in full photoshopped color. A free sketch for him while hanging at a furry gather in Edmonton, AB.
Buretin, one of the 3 Packmates on FurryMUCK
The newest member of the Packmates:the Unicorn Malachite.
SteelFur, one of the 3 Packmates.
Night-Dances, The third Packmate.
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