< 2/4— Susan Quigley (Speck) —4/4 >
Nameless (thus far) husky-wolf thingy... failed attempt at dodge and burn. >_<** Aw well, I'll keep trying...
A request piccy I did fer Lucky and MoonSinger! And Lucky and MoonSinger © their respective players, y'know...
Grroowl... hey, who remembers da Lyffin, huh? Drew this in the middle of a semi-artist block, which seems to have broken it... here's remake of Khet in a defensive "hey, you, get offa my turf" pose...
Well, in the lull between requests (I'm still working on em folks! Hold on...), this... thing... emerged on a blank piece of paper. Proof that I watch too much anime and listen to Pure Moods once too often... no, givin her a name and decidin' to ink and color her... Image © Susan Quigley 1999
Well... ya know who this is?... Tis Speck, believe it or not... I really wanted to give her a total makeover, and I'm quite happy with it m'self... any comments?... eheh, that's askin f'r trouble, but eh... I handle it... ;) Image © Susan Quigley 2000
Full body shot... yeah, I changed her body, too.. she looks more like what I look like IRL... more heavy set, but not completely overweight... I have good weight dispersion, I'm sure you all wanted to know that.. heh... ;) Image © Susan Quigley 2000
Obviously still experimenting... gave her back the little rectangle glasses, made her hair less intrusive (I think), blah blah blah... anyways, I still like the new look.
Yessir, this here's an olllld buzzard... "Where's mah mush dangnabbit??" Ol Buzzard© meeee... :)
Eww... anyone remember (gasp what a goshawful name) Speccolo? Yik... well, gave the jerk a makeover, and a new name. Phoenix. Why? 'Cause I wanted to... gee, who does he look like? ;) Image © S. Quigley 1999
::sighs::... Quality came out a litte yik, but... is okay. I.... don't wanna talk about this one. Lets just say three funerals in three years hurts. Sad Speck© Sad Speck....
...But on a lighter note, here's Speck in a pretty prom dress... I on one hand wouldn't be caught dead in anything without sleeves, jis personal pref... but, gonna have a hard time come the junior prom next year... =/
Well, in order for it to look really punk, I suppose Speck would have to ditch the glasses, but Speck without her glasses is like hot cocoa without the little bitty 'mallows.. I'll hafta try it sometime... Image © Susan Quigley 1999
Uh, guys? Mentionin' pizza is a bad idea around Duskie here... he's really, really partial to the stuff... eep.
Annnd here comes Speck, riding her giant cheetah From Dusk Til Dawn, entering the race! (How'd she get on that thing? I dunno... a stepstool, perhaps...;)
I'm finally finishing overdue requests YAY! heh... Rage, werewolf, and don't get too close to that battleaxe.. ;) Rage belongs to Jason Magnotte, and Image © Susan Quigley 1999.
And, re-design of Sam... erk, from Siam, I guess... (don't worry, I'm almost done...) He's such a cutie ;)
'Tis Saoirse, a pic that's part of an art trade with my buddy, Betsy Waddell... unfortunately, my scanner mangled this one, as it does with any colored pencil pic... ::tosses scanner against wall a coupla times...:: Looks much better IRL, as most CP pics do... heehee...
::gasp:: Omigaw--- could it be? Is Speck actually... dare I say it... smiling? Happy? Oh quickly now, get a camera before she turns sour again! Hehe, done because I have to my knowledge only one pic of a happy Speck... now I have two... and she's mine! All mine! muahaha...
Yup, this would be me, on a Thursday morning, 9:30 am, in 39 degree weather, playing soccer in gym class, and having stupidly forgotten my sweater... course, I really don't think people should be outside in 39 degree weather anyways, but that's me. ;) Image © Susan Quigley
New look (again), this time inspired by a friend at school's design... actually, this pic is an oxymoron, I'm not quite that cheery right now...
Speck dug thru her list of "Yerf Artists Chars to Utterly Mangle", and came up wif dis one! It be Spotter, onna the keenest tigers I've ever had the luck of mangling (hehe...) and Spotter be © Diana Lafyatis... (I hopes ya likes... I couldn't help myself! ;)
Why lookee here! I drawed a Squar! (hehe, I've owed this one, too... ;) An it's (ex) General Marzu Mak'za, looking none too happy about somethin'.. could it be perhaps that he's not general anymore? I dunno... M&M © Athena!!
Meet Squip, a (kinda) albino otter! Squip's got a neat story... he was stuck in an oil slick, and as he was taken out and cleaned off, they found his fur a pretty white color! hehe... Specky loves Squip... and they're both mine!! hehe...
Preliminary of another pic... it's, uh... some sorta sabre-toothed cat thingymabob... err... and done in brown Prismacolor pencil, to give it some sorta tint...
Call it a minute of inspiration... I thought drawing Speck as a 'taur was fun, but it seems that her body doesn't want to cooperate...
Warning 2: Never ever ever EVER tease Sully with an ice cream sammich... yikes... I never saw him coming... Foxes must be reaaaaal fast... 'specially around ice cream sammiches... Speck © me, an Sully © Scotty Arsenault!
Cartoony-ness experiment:... I think this guy is just screaming "HEY KIDS! Brush yer teeth three times a day..."... expect to see more pics of this dude.. now for a name...
Heh... actually, my favorite DBZ character is Kuririn, but I had this silly image floatin in my mind for waay too long... Speck-as-Tenshinhan with added white t-shirt 'cuz without it, it'd be questionable... ;) Likeness © Akira Toriyama, Image © Susan Quigley 1999
Heh, what can I say, I reallllllly like CatsWhisker's style! Last pic I did 'o' her, I really messed up bad (plus Gene... yikes, I better do a good one soon!! ;)... well, this time I tried to stick more to her style... looks a heckuva lot better, too... BTW, that's Speck's annoying chatter onna side, and CW's holding... some kinda paper, I think... anyway, CatsWhisker © Tawana Gilroy! =)
Hey, it's Tiger! For her creator, a request that I've had in my To Do list for a looooong while... Tiger belongs to her creator, and Image © Susan Quigley, 1999.
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