< 1/4— Susan Quigley (Speck) —3/4 >
Yeep! Um, I kinda couldn't help this one... I really admire Ms. Palmer's art, and, well, um, I was dyin to try this out... (gulps) Please dun hurt me! ;) Candy and Alan © Candy Palmer, Image © Susan Quigley 1999... but only Speck issa mine in dis pic...heh... (creeps humbly away..)
Cuttin it close at 196k (warning! warning!), but it has a point. Thank God, they finally caught Joan Riley and slapped her in the slammer for this terrible abuse. Anyways... Image © Susan Quigley 1999. Gee, those kitties look familiar... o.O
Dan again.. in Technicolor! Haha... yeah, he's got a girlfriend, Clayre, but I haven't gotten around to drawing her yet...
Dinsdale... it was hard trying not to draw a large porcupine in there... or hedgehog, I can't remember.. only Monty Pythoners will maybe know what I'm talking about.. ;)
((readded, many thanx to Yerf admin.)) ::sighs:: I've been having a really hard time lately, so this pic came ta mind... don't ya just hate it when all of a sudden, nothin seems to go right?
My dog... yep, she's a Mini American Eskimo who loves to take her owner for a walk.. no, that wasn't a typo... hehe... Dinah©me, sillies! ;)
Hi. My name is Overworked. I like french fries. Yes, I still live. Somewhere. I think. Lemme check...
Part 3: Warning: never ever EVER taunt Speck with the allmighty cheese... Cheese, mmm.... Speck is mine and Chepsi is... uh... oh right! © Erin Middendorf! (I'm on a roll, folks! hehe..heh.. eeks...)
Part 2: Now, it's prolly nice to have a talking claw, but maybe a singing claw is a bit much? Hehe, I dunno... (bounces over Prismacolors) Kit Kit Kit be property 'o' Erin Middendorf! (echo, echo, echo... )
PRISMACOLORS YAY!! ::ahem:: Well, as I RP Speck, I also have fun giving her lotsa enemies (snicker)...this one is her evil dimension twin, Nyrax... I know, knock it off with the PShop cloud backgrounds, but there's one more here like that.. hehe... Nyrax be ©Me!! =)
Hmm... realistic-Speck vs. fantasy-Speck... HINT: The realistic one is the one on the left... the one on the right IS a fantasy...
Testing... erk... o.O
Hehe, this saccharine-sweet kitty is my pet... (or one of mine, actually, we have six cats).. his name is Frankie, and he's only eight weeks old, and still a tiny little thing... okay, now I'm gushing.. Frankie art © me
Yikes! Reeeeeeally overdue request, sorry Serg! Macky, Mandy and Marcy in typical photo booth goof-off pose. Characters © Serg Discua, Image © Susan Quigley 1999
If this ideas already been used, someone shoot me. I jis had it floating around in my head, and I said I'd do a pic for Will because I wanted to.. heh. Go © Will Ruzicka, Image © Susan Quigley 1999
Dan: "Uuh, lessee.. first thing, try not to wipeout on a hard beach.. it hurts..." Yessir, surf-bum type guy Dan is one of my late-night creations... © me, he is...
Pic of a gryphon I did today in study hall, inked, then colored in in PShop. I kept a little sketch of it's head at the top and inverted. Whee.
Eh... a short-thighed, long-footed, big-winged gryphon (griffin, etc...) named Zach... if this gryphon looks like anyone else's, lemme know.. my hand is tired...
This is the "me" right now... an' NO, I'm not dead, so nyeh... well, braindead maybe, but not gone for good or anything... mrph... anyone got a spare hug and some tranquilizers to part with?...
"I'm so happyyyyy.. I'm floating on Cloud 9..." Hey look! I finally learned howta use that nifty little Magic Wand command in PShop! Yesss! Prang colored pencils (ick.. I need Prismacolors..) and neat-o cloud backie with Speck © Me! haha...
Man... loooong artists block.. well, I hope this compensates... Oh, and where are my manners? :scolds self: For alla you who wished me a happy B-Day.. THANK YOU SO MUCH! It made my day... =D Mmmf.. I watch too much DBZ I think.. but that's not a bad thing.. is it? ;)
Same hound, 'cept now he's in color! woooo... Image © Sue Quigley 2000
Okay... for all interested, I'M NOT DEAD YET! (smirks) Hard drive went kaput in November, took me this long to get myself resituated... oh, yeah, this guy is a hound from the hot spot (bad punnage, yah...), created by my friend but she likes the way I draw 'im better... Image © Sue Quigley 2000
Oooh... Hysteria... actually, I thought the gums were a nice addition... ;) Hysteria © Julie Miyamoto, Image © Susan Quigley 1999
Yup, this be Ian Gold's personal furry... Ian! Yup.. And Ian is © Ian Gold, so dun nobody steal him, y'hear? ::hugs Ian::
rrr... PShop crashed on me and I hadda do this one again... anyways, dis be Jamaal, The Amazing Technicolor Tiger! (heh...) I did a tiger like dis on an art project in school, and I was achin' to do him again, so this time I screwed around with perspectives... ooooo.... he could just pop outta the screen atcha... Jamaal TATT© moi, jah!
Part 1: Whu ohh... awright now, just who gave Kenai a Chupa-Chup? (sp? hehe..) And this happy little puppy be © Erin Middendorf!
No, I didn't drop off the face of the earth.. just lagged behind. This is a concept sketchy for a story idea of mine... Suteneko (sort of) faces off against a fox assassin... cool...
I tried a quasi-realistic, quasi-cartoony lioness as a remake of my RP char Kylaia... Kylaia and image © Susan Quigely 1999.. an if ya haven't figured out yet, dats me ;)
For Ian... his RP character, Endless Night... hang in there Ian... for at least a little while longer...-_-
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