Jessica Park (Taan, Nightshade) —2/4 >
Fencing is fun, part two. This is a rework of a pic from April or so; I'm not thrilled with the coloring and I like the sketch much better, but I think this is pretty cute nonetheless. :)
Fencing is fun.
Title: Summer Can't Come Fast Enough! I dunno about the rest of you guys, but my sketches have *really* been suffering lately; I'm blaming it on finals and such, man. This is the first semi-decent coloured thing I've done in a while, 'coz it seems my muse has gone on summer vacation before I have. Yuk! Hopefully, things'll look up once school's out...
Reworked a sketch from last January (I've done a couple versions of this particular drawing, but the first one was drawn way back in late December or early January) and came out with this. Here's Taan and Kit of Redwall MUCK -- ain't they sweet? :) Taan © me, Jessica "Jurassic" Park, and Kit © my "sister," Emily Smith.
I got bored, all right? :) Here's Taan of Redwall MUCK, in a dress that's actually (gasp!) semi-Redwallish. It's amazing what listening to eighties music at three in the morning can do for your drawings. Taan Diei Starfetch © Jessica Park. (I noticed something a minute ago that I needed to fix on this pic. Ugh. Re-upload; originally drawn on 1-17-98, I think. What can I say?--I'm picky! And what's sad is that no one else would probably be able to tell what it is I changed.. I'm pathetic. I know.)
Quick inked sketch of Taan in a different style; I decided to try to get some results other than "sucky" from Corel Photo-Paint. ;) I dislike Photo-Paint, it dislikes me.. but this didn't turn out as bad as my computer-colored pics normally do. I like the ears. :)
Title: "Dammit, she's been listening to eighties music again!" Bonnie Tyler's cool. :) Here's a pic I drew this afternoon; there was originally a ruf block-in of a background, but I didn't especially feel like screwing up the pic by attempting to put in a background. Le sigh... Taan © me.
I'm not obsessed with "Anastasia". I'm not. Well, maybe a little. :) I looked at a pic of Dimitri and Anastasia, decided I wanted to try drawing Kit and Ty like that, and.. well, here it is. I wasn't too happy with the sketch itself, but I mainly wanted to see if I could colour/shade with Corel. I don't love this pic, but I don't hate it, either, and that's always a good thing. :) Kit copyright Emily Smith, Taan copyright me, and "Anastasia" copyright Fox.
Here ya go, ShadowWolf! Another scene from "Anastasia"! Whoo! Yeah, the pic isn't great, but I thought it turned out okay for one of those really, really quick sketches. I swear, my scanner hates me. It eats up all of my pencil sketches, the evil contraption. BTW, I noticed a funny thing a couple of days ago -- "Anastasia" opened in theatres on Taan's IC birthday. (She turned the equivilant of twenty-three or so yesterday.) I didn't plan this, dangit! Whine.. Taan © me, Kit © Emily Smith, and "Anastasia" © Fox.
I'm in a drawing rut. This isn't fun. Drawing ruts are a bad thing. :( So I got around to colouring this pic; I liked it better before I coloured it, but I don't think it looks too terrible now. Anywaysies, Taan copyright Jessica Park, Kit copyright Emily Smith, and "Anastasia" (yes, I'm still obsessed with this movie) copyright Fox. :)
Now you see why I don't attempt very much shading often. Blah. Did this 'coz my parents are throwing some office party downstairs and I'm bored out of my skull. But hey, I don't think the pic turned out half-bad, so I guess boredom is a good thing. :) Taan © Jessica Park, Kit © Emily Smith, and, since this is yet another "Anastasia"-inspired pic, "Anastasia" © Fox.
Wow, people actually like these pics. Amazing. :) I did this one.. well... just because, and I think it turned out pretty well for it being.. 5:13 in the morning by now. Taan © Jessica Park, Kit © Emily Smith, and "Anastasia" © Fox.
"Count Anatoly--" "Had a..." "Wart!" ..I got bored last night... uuh, this morning..? I dunno. It was early/late, and the Tria fumes were getting to me, as usual. Teehee. :) I think this turned out pretty cute, though I could work on Ty's face.. grumble. (Em sez: Jessica HATED this sketch when she drew it, but isn't it good?! Tell her, damnit!) (Jess sez: Dammit, get away from my keyboard when I'm AFK, Emily!)
More markers. Oo. What fun. :) Nisyha Starlight Kylborne © Emily Smith.
A pic of Taan in a bit of an Eric Schwartz-esque style. I was looking at the "E. S. Productions Official Website" and drew Ty in Amy's pose. Later, just for the heck of it (and rat seemed to be down for a while), I went in and made a "JP Productions, Ltd." banner with this pic. :) Taan © Jessica Park.
I *can* draw something other than foxes... I think. Rebecca Kemp's really rad pic of an orca-woman kinda inspired me to upload a marker-pic I did of two old friends of mine -- Bubbles and Bottles, bottlenosed dolphin sisters I made up back in second grade. I drew this back on... August ninth, I think. Somewhere around there. Bubbles and Bottles (Can the names get any cheesier? I doubt it. But I was in second grade, fer cryin' out loud.) copyright me and my second-grade self! :)
Introducing Celeste! She listens to oldies music, wears clothes that are too big for her, and eats lots of Tootsie Rolls. Wotta fascinating girl. :)
Cauda of Redwall MUCK! She's an interesting little minkie there, to say the least. :) Done on 10-25-97; re-uploaded 'coz the first background was way too dark. Cauda Novikovi copyright Jessica Park.
Cauda Novikovi, who never gets drawn enough (I'm not great at drawing minkies), takes on the role of one Jessica Rabbit. :) I watched "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" today (Mindless trivia: "What About Bob?" is Disney's only film to date with a question mark in the title; WFRR doesn't have one) and Jessica's line "I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way," made me think of Caudie. :snicker: Anyway, Jessica Rabbit © Touchstone/Disney; Cauda © me.
Another sketch -- I might get to colour these tonight, considering my [expletive deleted] father is unhooking the keyboard because of grades. I'll only be online early in the afternoon for quite some time now, which really bites. Anyone interested in tutoring me in Chemistry or Algebra II? Sigh. Kit © Emily Smith, Dimitri © Fox.
Decided not to use my coloured pencils; I got lazy and just coloured this one sketch in with Corel. It's a scan of an inked printout, so it's smaller than the original file and doesn't look the same and stuff. Ah well. Kit © Emily Smith, Dimitri © Fox.
The last of these sketches, for now, anyway. Hopefully I'll have time to upload some more stuff tomorrow. Probably not. Parents are a royal pain in the arse. Especially mine. Hey, anyone out there have a spare room I could move into? Please? Pretty-please? Okay. I'm kidding. Really. I like my room. Kit © Emily Smith, Dimitri © Fox.
I need sleep. If this pic is shaded worse than usual or is totally out of proportion, blame it on the fact that I drew it at 5:32 AM and I've had about three hours of sleep in the past forty hours or so. Yippee. Anyhoo, I don't think this one turned out that bad, all things considered. :) Kit © Emily Smith, "Anastasia" © Fox.
A little sketch of ten-year-old Kit/Dimitri, done shortly after the eight-year-old Taanastasia pic. Ain't he kyOOt? :) Kit © Emily Smith, "Anastasia" © Fox. ...Hey! Isn't it Silva's birthday today? Yikes, I hafta draw her a pic! :)
Back to computer coloring! I like this one, as well; Dr. Da Silva, hehe. Hey, I was watching "Ice," all right? :) Oh, the date! 9-18-98, I do believe...
Nisyha's dressing up as Emma again. Nisyha is Emily Smith's terrible creation. =) Early '97.
A true friend is one who will lend you his pants, no questions asked. >g< Now, IMO, wearing jeans with humongous pockets sure as heck beats lugging around a bulging purse, so these suckers came in mighty handy when I went traipsing around Epcot the other day (even if they *were* big enough to camp out in). If I can remember how to actually *draw*, I'd like to do some more Epcot pics in the near future; I got to see Emmy again, yay! We terrorized the theme park in our quest to photograph fine foreign men. =) Ahh, this is the life...
Me, drawing me, drawing me, drawing me, drawing some of Em's pink flying turtles. Can *you* see them?
I *love* my hip-huggin', flairin', arse-kickin' jeans, man. And yep, that's the navel ring I'll be getting (with any luck) next weekend. Jessi (since that's who that is!) is copyright that Jessica Park hyOOman-type-person.
Here's a spur-of-the-moment pic I did of Flame Daerwyn of Reshayna, the gypsy-vixen. ('Scuse any typos; I'm dead-tired and my eye hurts, to boot.) Can we tell someone's been watching a bit too much of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"? :) I happen to like that movie a lot, darnit. Anyway, Flame is copyright one Emily Stoll. (And here's yet *another* gratuitous background! Yay!)
Jessica Park (Taan, Nightshade) —2/4 >