Corwyn Kalenda (Shadow 'n Smudge) —2/2 >
Shhhhh. Don't get too close, the bird's hungry. Azzizi and Aislinn © me. Copyright violaters go well with ketchup. Artists ramble on random topics all the time. Honest. Would I lie? Oooo! A flying purple-pink polka dot moosehead...
Ah... an old mistake has been pointed out to me this afternoon, so here I rectify the situation, I hope. Avery here is, in fact, © Rain Simpson. Ditto this for christmas.jpg, not so easily fixed. I think I need to clean out my directory soon, too. I'm such a packrat. =) Art's still © me, though.
Azrael again, and his lifemate Alina. They've been best friends forever, but only recently realized they actually like each other. *pause* They still fight at the drop of a hat, though. Az is © me, and Alina McKinsley is © Liz Raiman.
It struck me as long past time I put something a bit more in my current style into my sadly outdated directory. And so, Azrael, of DexM. He is, in fact, the "reincarnation" of Shadow. Long story. I felt the charcter needed a remap, and since it was a big change, I decided Shadow'd go back to using his given name, to boot. And so, Azrael O'Reilly. Kudos to Tracy Butler, whose really excellent drawing style helped me find what I consider my optimal drawing technique. Thanks muchos, love your work. Az and the artwork are © me, as is DexM.
A vaguely vulpine young sorceress casting balefire (from Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, as opposed to the other variations) on some poor fool. Lots of speculation floating around on who the fool is, mostly funny (and deserved). Leonid asked me the other day if I actually had a style, the implication being that I keep changing the way I'm drawing. The fact is, I've really got at least 3 styles, and all of them are evolving at a really fast rate. Which explains it, I think. Art & character © myself.
Shadow packing a BIG gun and obviously unhappy at someone about something... Me playing with perspective again(my favorite pastime!). This one also had the background rendered with POV-ray 3.0 for Windows- tres cool, no? Might add some stuff to this admittedly hasty bkground later...we'll see =) Shadow © me, blah blah yakety-schmakety...
The notorious Xmas pic I've been promising for weeks has arrived! A nice little (ok, a nice big) scene with some of my favortie furries on the SCFA. And a special bonus: This is the first time that these august personages have been in the same room together, and they're here for my party! Yipeeee! The furries in question: Avery, Gene Catlow (Happy B-day, BTW), Sox, Kilo, Leonid, Sully, Shadow and Smudge. Sorry about the size, but it seemed a shame not to go with the max quality jpeg on this one! Copyright stuff's in the pic.
The name pretty much says it all. © me.
Done during my lunch break, based on a tale from AAC. It's Austin Dern as Dern Quixoati, off to save some poor damsel in distress. Austin is © his player, Joseph Nebus or some guy like that, and the pic is © me. (Wow, a non-novella-length desc, whaddya know...)
A really cool action pic of Shadow (my personal-type furry, lotsa history there) deflecting a couple of arrows and reaching for his gun. It turned out really well, I think. I couldn't come up with a snazzy background so I used a gradient and look what happened! This was my third Photoshop pic, and I find I'm addicted to that wonderful program (I wonder if there's a support group...). Shadow is © myself.
Some people have expressed the wish to see an un-inked, semi-dirty piece of artwork. A couple other people have been bugging me to do something cute. I started sketching a couple nights ago, and realized rather suddenly I'd done both with one picture. The Disgustingly Cute Dragon is © me, and hopefully I'll have a reasonable name by the time I do one again (ie: sometime this year)
It's Fala! Of TFF! The cute l'il semi-female... um.. er.. umbrella-critter! Yay! I haven't uploaded anything in a while, being embroiled in a number of projects (including a furry 'puter game! Whee! Also a possible 'graphic novel sort of thing) I noticed this has been sitting on the ol' hard drive a while, tho, so I'm finally uploading it. Fala is ©Ben Yackley. Here Ben, a shiny(sort of) for ya ;)
Austin, Spaceroo, and myself went out to this nifty little diner near RPI for dinner. The whole thing was an adventure, likely as much so for the diner staff as for us, if not moreso. Austin Dern and Spaceroo are © their respective personages.
Agents Shadow and Smudge of the Furs in Black, out to protect all of Furrydom from the interstellar bad guys! Oh, wait... you're to supposed toknow about this... If I could please direct your attention to the device my associate here is holding... vvvVVVMM FLASH! Shadow and Smudge are, of course, © me.
There's a very cool song out by Harvey Danger (I think that's right...) Name's on the pic, if yer wondering. I absolutely *love* the song, and I got this idea while listening to it the other day, and promptly attacked a sheet of printer paper witha Sharpie. (Inkjet paper and Sharpie with markers. Dangerous combo) Anyway, this is it, and it's © myself, natch. "Flagpole Sittin'" is © the band that plays it or something. "o/~ Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding... the cretins cloning and feeding...o/~ Supply the next line and maybe I'll draw ya a pic, hmm? ;)
I figured I should pop up an example of what I can do with Photoshop these days... This is Hadrian, a member of the Zephyr Knights on DexM, a rather odd bunch. Rather than admire valor or fairness in fighting, they aspire to creativity. They like bizarre-- and risky-- technique, and the more unpredictable the weapon, the better. Hence Hadrian's triblade, and the bladed chain, which can have the triblade attached to it for added flash and pizazz. They think they're the best. Others would agree, and add that they're wackos. Either one's right. Hadrian is © myself.
A canine of some type (maybe a slightly odd Doberman or something) I doodled in math class, and then inked, took home, and colored.Turned out pretty nice, I think. The art's © me, of course.
Okay, long story. In a nutshell then: After pulling off a bit of magic hocus-pocus to turn my friend's paper into an outstanding essay, I wound up dubbed a "Literary Jedi Master." This is me doing something cool. How? It's an old Jedi writing trick, of course! Copy copyright info from above somewhere, paste here, you know the drill.
It was John Lennon's would-be 58th birthday last week, on Oct. 9. And while I'm not a HUGE Lennon fan, I like his music well enough that I felt it necessary to do something. So here's Lazarus and Elias, from my (somewhat) new comic strip, Tesseract Terrace. An exercise for the viewer:Look at this, then go find some of my old photoshop stuff. Need I say more? Laz and Elias, as well as Tesseract Terrace, are © me.
An illustration for a story written in TF&F's weekly round-robin storytelling event. It's Kaine, a somewhat grizzled and war-torn young fox, part of a group called the Rangers. Exterminators, more accurate. The Idea was they deal with a plague in the area by killingeveryone that has it. There's more than that, really, but that's the idea in a nutshell. I'll re-desc this with the URL of the story, maybe, after it gets put up. Kaine is © me, and the story he appears in would be © a whole bunch of people.
Ok, ok. I can explain. This occurred when I was sketching and someone else was watching "Labyrinth" at the same time. At the end part of the movie, my sketch started to be influenced, and I stopped (it looked good) ran upstairs for a straightedge, went nuts with it, and tada! This. One friend I showed it to thought it was really cool, his roomate looked at it and ran away screaming. Go Figure. Shadow and Smudge are, of course, © me.
This is me and my trusty Fender 'Strat holding an inpromptu concert in the University library (with an amp, no less!). The cool thing about this (it really happened) is that the librarian didn't write me up for it... I guess honoring her request for "Stairway to Heaven" helped. =) If you haven't figured it out, I and this picture are © me.
Inspired by the "freedom fighter" genre in general. A female of some form of canine species hiding out in a grim, devastated world or the future, ready to waste her pursuit with a BIG gun. The lady's name is tentatively Linda (after Linda Hamilton [T2], at Miles' suggestion). She and the pic are © me.
I decided to just draw for a while last night, and somehow this happened. I wasn't aiming at anything, really, but some how I wound up with this lion-looking thing with a big ol' sword. Go fig. The thing I find interesting about this, is it's the first I've done that sits halfway between my normal somewhat toonish stuff, and the more realistic stuff I've been doing lately. Yeah, whatever. The pic's © me, and the character is too, if you can call an unnamed furry thing a character. ;)
Part 2 of the Linda.jpg I did earlier, sorta. The cat there (no, it's not a skun, that's a birthmark, and a rather unfortunate one at that) is Skatt, who was sorta the freedom figher group's resident post-adolescent hacker in the story they were created for. So here they are, hiding inna alleyway while Skatt works some computer thing and radios back to base, Linda on lookout. They are both, naturally, © me.
Smudge and Mina, a really cool person I've been enjoying a lot of time online with lately. So here I drew a pic of the two, and managed to sort of screw up on the muzzle a bit (she's a 'coon who believes herself to be a vixen, though maybe she really is on with some odd markings. Go fig), but i think I've got that problem solved. Smudge and the pic are © me, and Mina's © her player, whose last name eludes me just now.
Lunch at the Mina and Smudge residence. Some people'd have serious reservation to rooming with a dragon in a cave, but I guess Mina finds that the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. I would, however, challenge anyone to find an odder pair for roomates that a mini-dragon and a raccoon who thinks she's a vixen (long story, sorta). Smudge and art © myself, and Mina is © her player.
The second picture I did of Mina and Smudge, here enjoying some tea and conversation. I think I fixed my problems with the muzzle, though maybe I've just got new ones now. I'll be coloring this up nice as I've time. Should be neat. Again, Mina's © her player, and Smudge and the art are © myself. No animals were harmed in the making of this description. Shave the Whales.
Not my usual style, I know. Part of an art exchange. Twohart (see the pic above, or below, or wherever) was of the opinion Shadow the mage needed a more dignified, Nicodemus-from-NIMH look, and proceeded to draw one. After wich I did 3 or 4 of them myself, having given in to the peer pressure, and naturally, it was kinda fun. So ta-da. a pic. :) Shadow's © me, Nicodemus is © someone else, tho the style can't be (I don't think), and... um... that's it, I guess.
A small foxkit expresses opinion. Drawn in class on the back of a handout in #2 pencil. I've finally figured out how to do semi-baggy clothes, I think. A big Thanks-in-Hindsight to Charla Trotman, as I riffled through her directory and site trying to figure out how she does it. The little fox and pic are © myself, natch.
Corwyn Kalenda (Shadow 'n Smudge) —2/2 >