Jason Furness (Howie, Mark) —2/7 >
Alistair Cat holding a newspaper! Another one of my "draw whatever I feel like" pics... That cat is © Thomas K. Dye
This is what AOL *REALLY* stands for! =) Well it SHOULD, anyway... Oh, and avoid the popsicles at all costs.
Hysteria reveals her deep, dark secret to Splunky, Azy, and Emmers. *snicker*
May you and yours have a merry Asrial Cat Day. Even if you're late, like me. 8-p
Here's the sketch from the background of "azy17.jpg". I think it deserves to be seen in its entirety, don't you? Yeah? Well you're another!!
Azy was delighted to learn that Daffy Duck will be getting his own all-new TV show not too long from now. I imagine her reaction looking like this sketch o'er yonder...
Yeah, it's Azy's birthday, of all things! Here is the black-and-white version of a comic book-type cover thingie staring her! Color version coming sometime in the future. And now you know, the rest... of the story. ............................. Good day.
Here's a bad pun for all of you trick-or-treaters. *snicker*
It's an extra-special present for Azycat! It's snow, from the frozen, corny wastelands of the Midwest! Wish I could give ya real snow, Azy, but all of mine melted away weeks ago. Enjoy anyway! Oh, and don't be surprised if someone gives you some cough drops. ;)
By request of Azy! Here, she meets a certain lisping duck, who is glad someone asked for HIS autograph, instead of a certain Wabbit's. And for those of you who don't know, Daffy was saying "Sufferin' Succotash" before Sylvester was. Daffy and Sylvester © Warner Bros. Don't sue!!! I did this for FREE!!!
And now, Asrial Cat makes her debut in my little corner of Rat's! Here, she asks me an artistic question. Coming soon: Azy meet a famous cartoon star! Azy (C) Jessica Heyl, and Howie (C) Me. BTW, Azy appears in that comic I mentioned with Gene, the Raccoon Kids, and Tim in it.
Clyde Cat; one of the characters featured in that comic I mentioned earlier that has Gene, the Raccoon Kids, EG, and Azy, among others, in it; asks Tim a question. This could be considered an "outtake" of the aforementioned comic.
Gee, I wonder if Azy likes Daffy Duck? Will the world ever know? Well, here she is as Duck Dodger's Eager Young Space Cadet (TM). Duck Dodgers is © Warner Bros. and Asrial Cat © Jessica's Big Ol' One-Woman Conglomerate, Inc.
Wow! I actually got this done, scanned, and uploaded ON TIME!!! I think... Well, once upon a time, I went to BigBlueFox's birthday party. Hey, anyone who likes pizza THAT much is a friend of mine! I hope. BBF © Karsten Aucher.
Happy 18th birthday, Missy! Let's see now, that would mean you get... hmm.. oh yeah - 18 birthday spankings! What fun! 8-p And just to be selfish, *my* birthday is December 10. (hint hint)
December 10, 2000: "So Howie - I hear you turn 22 today.." Help!
December 10, 2000: "_How_ old did you say Gene turns today?" "That's more than the both of us put together!" "Oh Geee-eeeene!"
Happy somethingorother to Ozy! And happy extremely belated somethingorother to Kevin! And Millie's here too! Time for me to go to work now....
You can call this "Beachcis 2" or "Neko Peace 2:The Sequel with the Unimaginative Title". Cis wants to work on her tan, eh? Or is this "tanning" stuff just a coverup of a devious plot?? Splunky questions the allegedly sunbathing cat, while Mark says something stupid, as usual. Ciseal © Vicki "Gimme your Scanner" Lo, Mark & Splunky © Jason "No, Give *ME* your Scanner" Furness
*Who's* birthday? Well, it's certainly not Trixi's.....I missed it by a day.
This is how I felt earlier this month. Come to Illinois! We gots lotsa snow!
Is Calico Katt and her sister Audrey in a completely pointless picture! This is my attempt to copy a technique I noticed in a Fliescher Popeye cartoon recently: Faded background! Naturally, I cheated and blurred my BG in Photoshop 8-p. Trust me, it looks MUCH better faded.
We wish you a merry birthday, and a very good birthmas! It's Taan's birthday!! Oh yeah, and that other guy, too...Here's a nearly unrelated pic featuring Jenny and Willy!
For some reason I decided to combine EG Foxfire, Fookie da Fossa, and Carol Schneeweiss. The result: A small, yellow, big-eared, bushy-tailed, fox-like critter with pink hair and an affinity to chocolate, tacos, bubble-gum, yo-yos, and blue spiny anteaters wearing sunglasses. The I slapped Gene Catlow's mug on her shirt and made a simple background using little more than Photoshop's gradient tool. How about that? I guess you could call her "Carol FossFire" and credit her as being © Carol S., cuz I didn't create her at all, when you think about it...
And this was Chuck's B-Day present! Chuck is the guy who created the name "Hay Squares"! ^_^ <-- thatsa smiley
*pant* *pant* *wheeeze* ---Did I make it? I know it's the 9th on the East coast, but where *I* live, it's still the 8th. About 11:40 p.m. as I type this... And I'm pretty sure it's still the 8th back on the West Coast, where Vicki lives (I think)... Anyway, after numerous interuptions (like having to go to work), I have finally finished and uploaded this pic for Ciseals B-day! I didn't forget, either! All characters here ,except Howie, Mark, and Jill, are © the birthday girl: "Queen Victoria" Lo!
I'm actually on time this year! For her birthday, here's a picture of Ciseal in one of them there nifty empty boxes. Hey, Vicki! Kiss the teenage years away!! What? You mean Vicki's *not* 20 yet? Dangit, now my desc doesn't make much sense anymore...
More band-related drawings! I was never in high school band, but from 5th to 8th grade I played the clarinet. And so does Eldria, last time I checked. So here she is with Mark, who's playing my clarinet. He's having problems, tho, cuz nobody's touched that thing since 1993!
Lookit all the Confetti heads! The result of trying to finish a request and hand in an art assignment simotaneously. Confetti is ©...uhhhh.....oh yeah, Kristen George!
Sirius gets a gander at the gift Sierra has gotten for that person who draws them. Hint: it ain't wool. 8-) "Ain't is bad grammar!"
Jason Furness (Howie, Mark) —2/7 >