It's been too long since I uploaded any art, so I might as well start with something that I did fairly recently. This is a picture of Redstripe and Bluestripe, two chakats who are intended mates, taking a holiday at the Grand Canyon. Neither is naturally all black-furred, but have dyed their fur for their job, and their names reflect their identification marks. This was a commission done for Bluestripe.
My Christmas e-card for 2000. For me, Christmas is for the cubs! Every year, millions of children try to stay up late, wanting to see Santa when he arrives, and every year all these children fall asleep before the jolly gent arrives. Chakat cubs are no different and Santa has left this cub's present right under hir nose without disturbing hir... or has he? That happy smile on hir face seems to show that shi knows that something special has happened.
My second blind date piece. A pretty skunk lass has decided to try a blind date to find a boyfriend. I think she has just hit the jackpot. Idea suggested by Joe "Altarskunk" Kennedy (
This is Blue of the Fornax sisters. Here she is in the intensive care unit after an operation that was barely in time to save her life. Done as an illustration for Matt McCullar's story: "You Don't Believe".
A Caitian in a regulation Star Fleet uniform, jumpsuit style. No boots for this species, of course! The badge was done with metallic gold ink, and scanned really badly. This is a coloured version of an earlier B&W pic.
It's well known that Caitians are members of the Federation, but how often do you see one? Here's my first try at drawing a Caitian Starfleet officer in a ST-DS9 style uniform (slightly modified). I liked the way she came out except for the muzzle which I thought was a bit large.
A chakat built and patterned like a cheetah, goes hunting for hir meal armed only with speed and bolas. I'm extremely pleased with this picture. I found this beautiful photo of a cheetah and knew that I *had* to make it into a chakat. I want to show that chakats come in different builds as well as many patterns, and the cheetah has a very distinctive build. It's still not easy turning a natural animal into a taur. Unlike most chakats, this one doesn't have human type hair, so I got to show a very natural looking head. The mane and the spots came out wonderfully. Slightly censored for Yerf.
The cover illustration for The Chakat's Den CD-ROM, my collection of art, stories and other stuff of furry interest. The feline at the drawing table represents me before the Chakats came along and took over my life. (Grin)
A wolf looks over his shoulder grinning cheekily at you. I coloured this with Photoshop. I hope that, with a bit of practice, I'll do a better job next time.
When you live on a different continent, sometimes you get the time zones mixed-up. This is the result of one call I made. I did this quickie sketch by way of apology.