A commission for Bernard Doove of his characters Dale, who is inside a duplicate body of Chakat Goldfur, and Lupu the Wolftaur. Was trying to go for some nifty texturing here, but the .jpg ate some of the finer details. Prismacolor Markers, Prismacolor pencils, and gouache on 11 x 14" bristol board.
This is one day late, because I'm slow at computer coloring. And because yesterday wasn't a good day! But i hope it was good for Dalia, because she's COOL! And here is a birthday pic for her. Poor Emmy didn't make it into this rats scare her.
THE Dalia! She's a clydesdale, and pretty well-known! My end of a pic trade with her. Cheesy Photoshop background, all else is colored pencil and markered. All hail Dalia! Grin!
A Christmas gift for my good friend Dan C., of his character Kaelan Douglas Gryffn. Thanks goes out to Carl Howard for pointing me in the direction of some good medieval source materials online.
No, it's not a tumor...He's got a butterfly on his nose. Done in Illustrator, and jpg'd in Photoshop.
I had added this to yerf a few months ago, then deleted it because some people had said it was godawful hideous. But I LIKE Diver Dan! He may be ugly, but he gets to swim with tropical fish.
Gah! I killed my hand on this one. A penciled work for the cover of the book "A Guide to Using "My Father's Dragon" in the Classroom" by TCM.
Just a work in progress. It started out as a wolf study, (still trying to get a good wolf down for a commissioner) but then turned into...this. Dragonwolves turn out to be magically (and not so innocently) created. Evil little buggers. Anyway, I doubt I'll finish this any time soon. Back to drawing/studying wolves (and pumas) for the commission.
Eriden GrayFox of FurryMuck in his Arctic Fox Angel form.
Gah! This took FOREVER! It's a commission for Eriden Grayfox. Markers and colored pencils. I looked everywhere on the web for Crusader outfits, and couldn't find any decent pics. So I had to make up the costumes out of my head. However, I am indebted to the archives of Tracy Butler for seeing how a cloak and brooch fold work. This is Eriden Grayfox (a paladin) and Silvertail (a magician) searching an ancient castle for...well, I guess when find out when Eriden's player finishes writing the story. Eriden and Silvertail are © Jonathan H.
Edited version of a gift pic for my good friend Jason.
My half of an art trade with LionessB of her character "Fake Smash".
Just now getting around to uploading this. "Tales of the Fehnnik" (Shayzeri & Vorihni) © Elin Winkler, art © XianJaguar. A commission for John Pharr of the Fehnnik Girls having it out. Lotta detailing...can't see it all in the scan.
"First Flight": My "large" piece for Further Confusion (14" x 17"). Watercolor, markers, and colored pencils. Inspired by all the great realistic art that's been popping up in fandom lately. Kudos and thanks go to Thornwolf who provided a great idea and rough comp for the background! =) The chest on this guy is edited to be yerf-friendly, he has correct anatomy in the actual RL version.
This was, without a doubt, the weirdest commission I've ever gotten. Ph33r the Flahippo, or Flippo, if you will: Part Flamingo, Part Hippo. The product of the runaway imagination of two 9 year old girls, and a few hours of my time getting it all down on paper. Scary.
It's nice to be Grandfathered here on Yerf. *brings down quality with uploads*
I was going for an "jeans ad" look. You know, the sort of clothing ad where everyone is standing around in some weird pose and they don't say much about the jeans, but you're just supposed to sort of guess what the commercial is about. Appearing at the ConFurence art show. (Oh, it's a red fox, a swift-fennec mix, and a grey fox. Done in markers, gouache and colored pencils. And it only has a few quasi-native trinkets.)
A giraffe with a rather bendy neck. Artistic liberties strike again!!
A grasshopper. Done in Illustrator at work, converted to Photoshop.
This is my end of a pic trade with GrayWolf (Illahie)! She's an awesome Were artist, but I don't think she's on any furry archives yet. I tried to make the character a more or less classic were with long arms, big hands and paws, and a slightly digitigrade stance. Sort of a new venture for me, but very fun. I see why the weres draw what they do.
It's that Magical Time of year again!! Los Alamitos Griffins water polo team Program book cover. Mean, evil, scary mascots in funky water polo gear! It's hard to look fierce with what amounts to a plastic bag on the top of your head.
I was browsing through our stock photos at work a few days ago, and came across a really neat eagle photo. So I started sketching the head. It turned out so neat, I turned it into a griffin. Then, I got impatient, and half-a**ed the front legs. The pic wouldn't fit on my scanner anyway, so I just didn't scan the lower half (which was it's legs, claws, and my signature). Not that it really matters.
Commission for Growltiger of he and his wife, their newborn cub (who will make it's appearance into this RL world later this year), and the One who watches over them and keeps them safe. 11" x 14", marker, colored pencils and a bit of goache.
A commission for G Thieme. I must admit, it was pretty hard. Water isn't my strong point, and it took counseling from both Megan and my husband to get it right. I'm thankful for them both.
My half of a (rare) art trade....Ailah's werewolf character Henke! Tounge-in-cheek: He is done in the "were" style of watercolors and colored pencils. No salt though. Perhaps next time. I do like how this turned out, and have found that watercolors seem even easier/faster to work with under colored pencils than marker. Perhaps because they are easier to shade with? Henke belongs to Ailah, and insert all legalese here.
A badge for HollyAnn! She is such a sweetheart! This is my half of a badge trade. (I rarely do trades any more.) Yes, it's dayglo. No, it won't print at such an obnoxiously bright range. I worked in CMYK preview, so it will actually print much better, without the overly neon effect. And no, I rarely use Kai's effects. I just felt it was appropriate here.
HollyAnn! She's been such a sweetheart from the first day I met her, so this is sort of a thank-you pic. (Actually, she had started it by unexpectadly emailing me a while ago with a pic she drew of Xian! 0_o). So here's her character...with wings. Ok, she normally doesn't have them, but I couldn't resist. This is Marker and colored pencil..I tried to avoid outlining anything in ink, and let shadow and color define shape.
She's Hritilani from Tapestries, a pic I did for a friend.
A commission! this was for Will Sanborn, who gave it to Jeff Eddy who runs Sofawolf Press. Yeah, they put out Anthrolations. Go buy a copy. This commission is markers and colored pencils. I am beyond happy with the way it turned out.
Ishiroch the unfallen wolven angel meets KatieCat, a fallen feline angel in this commission for Tevildo. Both characters belong to him! 9" x 12", marker and colored pencil on Bristol Board. Although there was nothing "naughty" in the original version (nothing you wouldn't see in the Sistine Chapel), this is still edited to be Yerf friendly.