<October 21, 2004>
Silly little doodle... though it doesn't look like I finished that shotgun all too well. (I'll remedy that when I color him.) Anyway, Yeehaw! It's moron-huntin' season.
Pyroyote and some flamey flames :) Pyro is Gillian McD's!
Another exercise in inking, if you want to call it that. Amphibious fish character, Lahari Scythe, in her swordmaster armor.
For the TP. Kilojara's Tignar! Yay for bishie tattoed dragons! I don't have the time to do what I planned with it. He was going to have an elaborate backround of a demolished theater and city behind him. He's using his telekinetic powers to make things go BOOM!
Sabine goes all hippy-trippy. The colors, duke! The colors!!
Alter Ego follow the destiny of their creators...
This one was an AC Conbadge Commission for Tizzrah, a gothic skunk with red hair, rats, and a lot of piercings. I used some cool silver pen for the jewelry and some of the text, but since I laminated it, there is an awful glare along the left side, and really no way to do the silver, or the picture itself justice. This is also business card sized, and made my brain explode from all the cross-hatching, but I like how it turned out, even if I couldn't find a 005 silver pen to work with. This was "finished" in marker, gouache, and silver pen. © Kimberly "Kymba" LeCrone
Conbadge for Vish ~ Many times acutal size and lots of crosshatching later... Fun details include: his personal necklace, a book of "Lore" as well as a book on "Wolves" and "Culture of Canines." A moonlit and candlelit summer night on a comfy leather easy-chair. :) There's even a little owl in the tree outside and a golden howling wolf figurine on the marble end-table beside him. Too much composition for a conbadge, and I had to use "incorrect" perspective to make it all "fit" together. ;) -Kymba
Art as expressed emotion, the curve of a line dancing in tune to the artist's beat, entwining the heart and life line with the music and the pen line.
I think sketches can tell a pretty good story.
I'm sure all of us have felt like this at one time or another...
<October 21, 2004>