<July 12, 2004>
A dragon lifts his head to the heavens in an ancient prayer. Lots of scales, lots of feathers, make me go crazy.
Not much to say about this guy, except he really loves his plush kitty. Yeah...
A 2 page spread for the title (right) and copyright/publishing info (left) of "Thinking Big", a children's story.
An illustration for "Thinking Big", a children's story.
An illustration for "Thinking Big", a children's story.
A piece for my comparitive mythology class. This is a scene from Arthurian legend, but I actually ended up coloring it backwards because I'm a twit. The white dragon (Saxons) was supposed to defeat the red (Brits) as Merlin prophesized to Vordigan. Eventually with Uther and Arther, Britain rises again, but the prophecy itself was a warning.
A picture I drew for Ashi. Our ermines - her Charmaine, my Ismene (on the floor). Charmaine is the intellectual property of Beth Schultz, Ismene is property of Katharine Crowell. Respect that. ^_~
An image of a dragon I am working on in my sketchbook. Whenever I finish it, I'll take this down and put up the final version. I guess I just wanted to show ohw spontaneous all these patterns are . . . I don't plan any of them out, I just take a sharpie and some microns and go to town. Colored with Trias.
A sketchy tumbling gryphon that I rather like. I like to draw gryphons, but I hate the way all my images of them come out, so nobody ever sees them. I thought the pose in this was nice enough to compensate for the anatomy and face >_<
<July 12, 2004>