A new badge I whipped up last night for myself for Anthrocon this weekend. The anatomy's a little wonky, but it's still a fun image to me and I think it works. (if you're going to the con, say hi if you see me!)
oh boy me too! Anyways, this was going to be my conbadge but then my printer ran out of magenta ink tonight so lol it'll just be the head minus the text. If I'm feeling adventurous I might break out the white gouache and do it by hand. Egads :O!!!!
Wow, uh, I think this is the longest I've spent on a TP pic yet, clocking in at about 9 hours. I -think- I'm done with it... Rather enjoyed it, and got to play around with a bit of cel-style shading. Now if I'd been really clever, I coulda done it anime style, too. For the wonderfully talented Shadowolf!