<July 6, 2004>
- "Sendiri" Photoshop, 2004. A speed painting wich, though it actually took around 1.5 hours, is still quick compared to how long my other digital pieces take. Shadowolf's character, Sendiri for the Yerf Trading Post. I felt like messing around with wild, vibrant colors, and a very loose 'painterly' style. Sendiri is © Shadowolf
- 'Watchful Mother' 11x14 Watercolor and Airbrush, 2003. Sorry for the re-upload. I finally got around to cleaning my yerf gallery, and the image I had before was really muddy and washed out. Here's a clearer version.
- "Sitting Pretty" 11x14 Watercolor and Airbrush, 2004. A silly image of the same character that's in my 'Closet Raver' image. This piece will be at AnthroCon2004.
- Captain Q's Aderes, for the Secret Santa.
- Scratchboard owl, a gift for my fiance's mom. Yup- James proposed this weekend! :-D
- When you wake up to find a "Dancing cookie and a fun-loving glass of milk" on the counter, only four words describe the thoughts running through your head. "I blame you, James-achu!"
- Just a pic of Kilojara. I was trying something new with the coloring. Even though I don't read many comics, I like this coloring style.
- Damn you hossy!
- See ya guys at AC04!
- One half of Billy's comission, of his new #Vagrant character Matinee Pryce. Posted with permission, and his character is © to him.
<July 6, 2004>