I much preferred the inks of the 'vampirific' picture than the actual finished product. I think this whole picture could have looked pretty good in cell shading. I tried it originally in vector but then I realised that 1) It sucked and 2) I didn't have a proper vector program. So yeah, inks.
John Barrett's Roxikat as Lara Croft -- an outfit almost as tight as the one she normally wears. For John's Birthday, which is not too far off Halloween.
She's still the one and now has to deal with bigger bullets! (reupload because I decided I didn't loke how the bullets in the first one looked). Reeba is Scotty's
Blessed Samhain! May your walks among the worlds be safe, enjoyable and filled with wonderment! (More "Stills" on the "Kaze, Ghost Warrior" website... :)