<July 10, 2003>
I was inspired to draw Alex and Monica after RL Alex (who has some drawings of mine from 7 years ago) told me that the improvement he saw in my art was "sexy." Not me that was sexy, or my ability...but the improvement itself. Ooookay. So, obviously, when I hear the word sexy, I think of myself being the total opposite. At In-N-Out Burger(where I am currently employed) we must say "Right On!" to confirm that we understand what we have just been told to do. I think that I make that face when I say it, too. "Get me a pan of lettuce!" "RIGHT ON!"
eee signs of life from me. anyhow, currently working on requests and stuff but felt like sharing this with everyone. The new msn messenger lets you do your own icons but..they are only 19x19 sheesh. Anyhow feel free to use if you like.
AGGGHHH!!! I can't believe Anthrocon is in a week!!! I'm practically growing warts and tumors from stress. Anyhow, enough of that horrid imagery. Here's just a sample little teaser pic of some of the stuff that I'll be featuring at my dinky little dealer's table (table 34 with Lonnie "Dalia" Dinello! *plug plug*). Hope to see you at the con! [all characters and imagery © 2003 by Jen Seng] -- Summer 2003
A Hyena archer from the coastal region of Pwani. (Inspired by the Gboto of Dahomey.) Akoma concept piece. [Ironclaw © Sanguine Productions, Ltd.]
An experament with cool glowey-things.
An experament with a leopard pattern I made earlier.
<July 10, 2003>