<March 8, 2003>
New art at last, at last! This little flapper girl is an 11x14 pen and ink drawing-- and up for auction at
Lily Feldspar in her "Schlock Mercenary" crossover getup. She, and several others, will be appearing in full color in the 2003 SuperCD--- the original art (shown here) is up for auction at
No, it's not "Foxy Cleopatra." :P You can almost hear the Disco soundtrack, can't you? The original 11x14 artwork is, of course, up for auction:
My goodness, been awhile since I've drawn much of anything. But this came out fairly cute I think and at least worth an upload. :)
Concept art for "Ensign K", a hard space-opera series that's been on the back burner for a few years.
Concept sketch of Kalinda, my character on Tapestries. (Yes, the name on the drawing is different.) 2B and mechanical pencil. Someday I should take this through Illustrator.
An experiment in style and some odd corners of Illustrator. Styled after Chris Goodwin's 'A is for Animal' series.
The third part of 'December Flowers'; the other two are 'Chanteuse' and 'Mastermind'.
This was the front cover for Circles #3. All characters ©2003 Andy French, Steve Domanski and Scott Fabianek. Acrylic on board. Image ©2003 Thomas Blue. Posted with permission.
Circles #3 back cover. Taye in his angel costume. Taye ©2003 Andy French, Steve Domanski, Scott Fabianek. Acrylic on watercolor paper. Image ©2003 Thomas Blue. Posted with permission.
This is the second 'style trade,' this time with Allison Reed. We traded unfinished self-portrait sketches allowing the other to finish them any way desired. This is my finish of her sketch. Acrylic and colored pencil on cardboard. Image ©2003 Allison Reed/Thomas Blue.
Arty all decked out in a Japanese wedding outfit, just for the heck of it. But, I'm sure he wouldn't mind getting hitched.. he loves any party he's the center of. The tailfan was an adlib on my part, but otherwise I did a little research and tried to stay true to the outfit.. though I went a little crazy on the gelpen. Sorry. They were shinee. x.x
Although the computer problems were real, the Team-V "delays" were fake. A sham. A cover up. A ploy. I needed the time to work on a new project, and it's up now. "Chosen" is back. Check out my site for details.
This is Aerin, Immortal Pain's character. She looked a lot more like Aerin before I did moody lighting. :( I like it for the moody lighting though! :)
An old commission for a guy named Drakkor. I tried to get the 'penciled' look, but kind of blew it on the wings. Oh well. I still kind of like it. :)
Concept character for TV series or something.
Just something I came up with while experimenting with different body shapes.
Belts, belts, belts everywhere. =)
Just another concept sketch. Was going through a slow, depressing period, and just wondering what it feels like to be a world-weary professional assassin, similar to Chow Yun Fatt in "A Better Tomorrow".
<March 8, 2003>