<January 24, 2003>
Little nothing special.
i really like this one.
i have a tablet now. so i'm trying it out. first random doodle, a sabertoothed kittykat.
i dislike compression. but take a look anyway. oh look, your worst nightmare.
second thingy, more complete. funky style.
My friend Danielle sits near me in the office, and we're always screwing with each other. She's as big a Care Bear freak as I'm a TransFan, and we're constantly making fun of each other's shows. So this was done for her.
Another random image that came into my tiny little head. A wolf guy holding a glock looking at a fallen ice cream cone. Is it his? I dunno.
A little diddy to let people know that Team-V will return once everything gets all settled again and get soem new webspace, and to show that the gals are doing fine.
Another piece from my printmaking class - this one an etching. We were supposed to do a visual response to another artist's work, so I created a mythological counterpart to one of Hokusai's birds. Intaglio is fun.
Timber, my somewhat insane wuff from the Vagrant RPG ( as shown wandering through a wee dust storm. No, he's not singing. Really.
Last semester I took a printmaking course - this was one of the results. Based on the famous fossil of the Archaeopteryx, this is my vision of a wyvern fossil if it had ever been found on this world. Lino print, 3-colour reduction on Okawara paper.
<January 24, 2003>