<December 11, 2002>
A Chinese dragon, which is my father's semi-avatar, and a crow for his partner, cavorting in the sky. Pencils by me; inks, colors and awesome background stuff by oCeLoT.
Dingus and Fuzzybear having a day out. :)
Dingus and Fuzzybear, alone with the universe. :)
Something about this picture...just makes me think "Satan". Probably just me, and the utter redness of that outfit. I realized rather abruptly how little practice I gave myself with front views, so I thought I'd try one, and hopefully her face is in relative alignment. :) And if not, well...lopsided-faced Angel is still © me~
Scaramouche can FLY! And I'm too lazy to draw BACKGROUNDS! Yay for ME!
My half of an art trade with Elizabeth Dodrill. It's her lovely Springkitty character and a birdy getting all festive. Thanks Elizabeth!
One Soul...
I don't actually have any piercings or dyed hair m'self, but I thought it might be a fun experiment to pull a punk Spunk. So far, she's proven to be one of the more popular pics on my site! Dunno if this is a good thing, though, since as we all know, trends and phases are as fickle as short-lived as babies' attention spans :) But hey, it looks cool ;) [Spunky © 1999 by Jen Seng] -- [Nov. 25, 2002]
Some days you want to make deathless, meaningful, socially conscious art for the ages. And somedays, you just want to draw happy gay anteaters in boxer shorts frolicking in the grass. (The worst thing about this was several hours of my husband randomly singing "Two little gay anteaters arrrre we....!" The. Horror.)
For the longest time, I have been having trouble thinging of a new image for the footer of my xanga site. While I was watching a commercial on TV for the new Austin Powers movie, I got the brilliant idea to draw Ulario in the famous Dr. Evil pose.
<December 11, 2002>