<June 7, 2002>
An unfinished painter doodle. Painter's tendency to crash always seems to pop up right when I'm finishing a picture. Unfortunately this is all I could salvage. mIRC-inspired doodle. Everybody's always pickin' on mah ears! :'(
Cicatrix is © Sapphire Storm. :) Btw, I have a ladder commission up for auction at Furbid: Please help a girl who needs money! ^___^
Goat danz! See goat danz! Danz, goat, danz! .... c_c Okay. I go away now. Evil goat thing and art © me.
Never could get a picture of Joey that I liked, never ssemed to be able to catch him, for some reason. Finally have remedied that. Soft shading for some reason makes it look like there's a thick fog hanging behind him... ::shrugs:: Joey © Ashryn, art © me.
A preview of page four from the next Extinctioners comic. Updates of the website will be coming next week now that I have some free time to work on it again. And as always, folks are welcome to join the Club Extinctioners e-group where fan art/fics/and discussion can be had about a variety of things. Also, all comics are currently available for sale again, including v1. #1. E-mail for invitations and details. Characters copyright Ken Singshow, inks Steve Addlesee, art and greytoning S. Howard 2002.
Just a quick illustration for the photographs page of our Pack website.
A picture depicting different parts of the religion in my comic book. There is much symbolism in it, but I like to keep the people guessing about what it means. Ulario and Tetra are in the center, while the two main demigods (with members of their armies) are on either side. Jaax, the god of evil and pain (lycanthrope)... and his brother, Gale, god of all that is good (gryphon).
<June 7, 2002>