<May 15, 2002>
She be dancin' too. Hi Anya^^
...Ok, this started out as an ink practice using Iceberg the Penguin/Polar Bear hybrid, a big guy who I really should draw more awesome-he's fun to draw all big an' chubby ^_^. Then I added the literal Snow Leopard seal (don't know WHERE he came from), yet noticed that the pic was incomplete, which led selling out by joining the fad O_o; (and I think you've the whole Hybrid theme to thank/blame for the Merfennec idea).
During I-CON (a sci-fi, fantasy, and fact con local to me, I traded sketch books with Hopper Roo. He requested a roo with a bunny, and something about getting lost on Stony Brook campus. I forget. Funny moments during con weekends, whee! Oh, and use sun screen! Summer's about here.
No one ever anthropomorphizes inanimate objects, do they? For shame, surely. 'Tis me and lissa, absorbing. Absooorb.
Oh ye GODS! Heh, I saw the music man. Cool dresses...
Just a simple portrait, really, of Timber. Quickie tablet doodle, prolly took me a half-hour at most.
I'm not sure who this is, really. A week or so ago I got mental images of this odd horned feline staring at me, following me around.. and now that I've drawn him he likes to live in the corner of my room. Which sucks, since i'm running out of corners. Ahwell.
This would be the first thing I painted once I got the full version of Painter 7 in my grubby little hands. Torrent is MINE. All mine. No touchy.
Did I mention I love dinosaurs? This T-rex was the result of me being bored in an airline terminal waiting for a late arrival... go figure. [image © 2000 by Jen Seng] -- [Aug. 2000]
A little black sheep with a little attitude. [image © 2000 by Jen Seng] -- [Sept. 18, 2000]
X-mas gift pour Vince :) I wanted to get him a "My Little Pony", but I figured that might be too ego-bruising ;) Thank me for being merciful ;) [Cindy © 2000 by Vince Suzukawa] -- [Dec. 2000]
Straight from the Class Menagerie comes Damon and Lisa, spoofin' it up Street Fighter-style! Capcom, please don't sue ;) [Damon & Lisa © 2000 by Vince Suzukawa] -- [Oct. 2000]
Here's my pal Sara's toon alter-ego doin' that Cheshire Cat thang! "I'm mad, you're mad; we're ALL mad here." Just like old RPI days :) [Sara the cat © 1999 by Jen Seng] -- [Aug. 2000]
I couldn't resist! So many artists portraying mystical weres adorned with feathers, I HAD to turn things around. So here's a feather wearing a were! He's dressed in typical late-19th-century Nez Perce attire, complete with pipe. If you like him, you can bid on him at
They be dancin', too! Dance Party Revolution, baby!
I actually tried my hand at doing something ***GASP!!*** pastel. Ugh. I'll never try using THOSE colors again.
Ramuh and "Libby" (Libra).
<May 15, 2002>