<March 26, 2002>
Self portrait: Yesterday. Inspired by recent work by Sierra Loucks and Talon. Ballpoint pen, photoshop, a few photographs I took... I like it. © thejavachickn 2002.
A cel of a certain feather-duster. about 11 hrs of work. Amy, surprise. :)
Part of the same image as rollbfly.jpg. Color keying of the otter. Cute lil fellow.
It's everyone's silly puppy, Rollie Mutt! Taken from a larger image for color keying. Rollie is the creation of Erika Leigh R., 2000-2002.
Here is some type of wild dog investigating a creek in the bottom of a gully. 11x14 colored pencil.
Behold, the power, of cheese...
Tobaki and Rufus, lil couple i know n.n'. Mmmm Tokii be © Jamie Stanley, Ru himself n art by me
Sour-sweet feeling =P. Kasumi Yuugata no Tanuki © NTB, bunn n pic © to meeee
the new Vacangel model waiii n.n, © to me, original char concept (Angel) © SNK
Oof... old bunn... x.x%A1 © to me
A stipple-work, Micron .005 on 11 X 14 bristol, for exhibition. A pair of Great Blue Herons, standing still as the stones on this rocky Northwestern shoreline. My eyesight will never be the same! :oP
Little teaser image of Silver and Rad done using a trio of cool grey prisma colors on bristol. Quite pleased with this one. It's part of a much larger image, but this is all that's going to be posted online. Back cover image of my official collection of Cyantian Chronicles book.
A colour piece for my online comic Gone Astray ( Cartridge paper and trias (huzzah for the marker fumes)
Twap 1, snow 0. Isn't it supposed to be spring? So why am I wading through a foot of snow just to deliver the freaking papers?! Oh well.
"They'll love us for our instruments, They'll love us for our songs. They'll love us for the things we say, and then they'll sing along..." --Fine China. Yay.
Goat-taur. Now with extra muscles. If this product is defected in any way (such as deformed right arms and the like) please return to...yadda yadda yadda. Your statutory rights are not affected.
<March 26, 2002>