<March 20, 2002>
This painting took me a long time to finish, but I think it was worth it. The real product looks a whole lot better. Watercolors and colored pencil. I'd appreciate any comments or crits on this one.
Altarskunk and Tylyddar are getting married, at the St. Francis of Assissi Chapel off of the Bitter End, on March 25, 9:00 PM Eastern. You are cordially invited to share in the joy.
guess who? syris! hey, sorry about the delay! syris is © to her creator!
Commissioned. He wanted it here it is. 11x14 watercolor and colored pencils.
Commissioned. Redrawn from an older version of this picture. I was also free to choose my own colors. 11x14 watercolor and colored pencil. Ugly scan lines not included in real piece :}
Commissioned. Redrawn from an older version of this picture. I took a digital picture of myself and used it as a reference...the resulting sketch came out MUCH better than the original one. I was also free to choose my own colors. 11x14 watercolor and colored pencil. No ugly scan lines in the real piece of course.
Happy little blue frog shaman, in Hopi kachina gear. I love frogs. You can make them any color you like, and so long as they're frog shaped, people go "Yep, it's a frog."
I have no excuse for this cuddly...rhino...thing.
A CD cover for my brother's school production music.
<March 20, 2002>