<December 13, 2001>
It's Beanie, from Yiffnet #furry channel! Been a long time since I did a batch of superpukeyqoots....
It's Kes, or Kestrel, from Yiffnet #furry channel! How adorable.
AAAHHHH, uberqoot! It's a new friend from #furry, Scarlet fox... awww, ookit at iddle tooshy....
Guess who, mwahaha.... SusanDeer, consider yourself Pukeyfied.
A good friend from #furry, finally Superpukeyqootified... Telbert, the original Trainskunk.
Detail of a commission in progress; the revolutionary mole is © Ben Carlos.
Psycho Scrubbing Bubble. This is just one of those really weird things that make their way to my paper when I'm not paying attention. It's gotta be Cara's influence.
Tiger Mountian Logo. This piece was done in Illustrator for one of my friends who has kindly allowed me to do his buisness' web site as my final project for class.
"Merchant Captain," 8.5" x 11" pen & ink. A Merchant Captain, poses noblily after counting his profit. I'm not to fond of boars, but after drawing this one, I found some kind of appeal. Plus, there are not enough boars drawn, in fact there are a whole slew of creatures that are ignored by the fandom. This image has been picked up by, and is © Sanguine Productions Ltd.
I have never seen such a horrible scanner before in my whole life. Then again, my friend said it cost $25... :P Here's a tokkie (korean for rabbit) that was doodled as a favor for a friend. He treated me to the best korean bbq in L.A. =9 Yes, there's a million things wrong with the pic, thompson submachine gun included.. (the bunny's left handed, so there.) And to those who i owe commissions to, by the conclusion of this year............
Well well well, what do we got here? new char by moi?! as hard as it may be yeah. Fernandeath, bishi skunk who finds the masterpiece he always dreamed of, within him (see he's a sword forger*or whatever you call when u make swords*)a Bonesword which i still hafta come up with a name for...mmmm, oh yeah, that thing's made from his back spine n.n' tho' it doesn't look like it (since he doesn't look/act like he didn't have a spine whenever he pulls the sword out), art and char © to me
Mel and Rosey/Judi © themselves, Emmah © her owner ;P, art © to me
well, still gots 3 more uploads left so here ya go n.n happy holidays everyone. Kompii © the ever gracious Nicole Trujillo. art © to me
and the new year's pic just to lift this weight off me n.n'. Kasumi Yuugata © Nicole Trujillo, art © to me
Okay, so I don't know how big mice are supposed to be. This is for Devska. Merf.
What time is it? Time for me to learn how to draw. :\
I think I've finally found a use for all these nice paintbrushes that I have but never use. Heh. Happy wuffie.
<December 13, 2001>