<October 21, 2001>
Surprise, Amoux! Another attempt at painter...
Old. old cowbunny, drawn on a plane outta Tucson this summer. Inked with the fabulous Pentel plastic fountain pen.:) Hey, there's a smattering of nifty new art and photos on my webpage, if that crumbles your cookie.
I went and got myself all inspired by all the gryphons and stuff in recents! :) So I whipped out my Microns and a few Tria markers and came up with this little beauty! :) For sale on Furbid!
Sometimes I have no idea where these drawing ideas come from. Some fox type female warrior.
A drawing I did for a elementry school called Gold Oak. Thier mascot is the grizzly bears.
A character of mine I dubbed the name of Gothfox.
Welcome newbie. A young talent takes a stab at the artistic world. Watchout for the pitfalls. My second attempt at using a tablet to draw. Very minimalist like just focusing on color and shape. Personally I like it, it's like learning how to draw all over again. Image copyright S. Howard 2001.
Chibi versions of Team-V! These big-headed gals are the basis of the new issue, check it out at Don't ask why I did it, I just did. Team-V is (C) me.
A skunk and a squirrel sitting under a tree together. This is a commissioned artwork.
I drew this for a friend who fixed my computer when it was broken.
zip-a-toned foxie
This one is titled "Petty bickering". :)
This is a colored version of a card I sent to a friend.
My go at drawing an anthro Egyptian god other than Anubis or Bastet. This guy here's Khnum, the ram-headed god of Creation. A quick scribble, coloured even quicker in Photoshop.
<October 21, 2001>