<September 27, 2001>
to avoid redundancy, i've decided against posting the vast majority of my "older" work here. here's a more recent piece, actually my first doodle in ainter classic, of a draconic lookin' dude.
i drew this in study hall on my laptop touchpad :) i kinda like it..i think.
DLM stole my haircut and clothes. I guess that means this is a self-portrait of sorts.
Here's a weird interpretation of my university mascot. It's brushpen, marker and colored pencil on clayboard.
Greylocks, another furry I spent a lot of time with in Ottawa. He's also the former head of Anthrocon security. © Himself
Out on the town. Greylocks and I taking a walk out in the Byward Market area. He's © himself
Another "practice" picture for the Sept. 11 comic I did a week ago. I wanted to see if I could get the impression of the crowds at the memorial down. That's Greylocks with me, he was kind enough to take me to it.
I figured I owed equal time to the French, so here's an officer of the oldguard....
A worn, but still accurate chosen rifle....
Inspired by George Petty art, but Shanda belongs to the Curtises.
Well, I have been fighting over somthing to post after The incident on the 11th. I was personally affected by the whole thing so my art suffered greatly, IOW I couldn't do any art. Finally my mom suggested somthing like this. Needless to as always knows best. This is for my Firefighter Dad, and my Aunt Ruth... May God bless you both.
"I'll lick my wounds... could you pass the salt?" Lyrics ©BNL. I gots me some trias!
<September 27, 2001>