<August 24, 2001>
Pencil drawing commission; Torstein is (C) his creator
Murphy gets all the hard jobs.
Verne does care... really!
"Sometimes high tech problems require low tech solutions."
Start of the rain series and the many wonders of nature. Comeon admit it you get caught in the rain before.
Murphy can only be pushed so far until he snaps.
He's a White Tailed Ptarmigan Snowshoe Rabbit gryphon. Why? Cause they were both on the same page spread of the wildlife book.
<<Children shouldn't be given a position of authority.>> Sketches of some of my characters for their profiles while I was away. I erased the information and chunked them all together.
© 2001 Pat Kelley. Technically not a rendition, but I just want to cover any bases. Much respect
That's my baby. ;)
Repost mod-pic, move along, nothing to see here... Angie © NTB, piccy © to me
Mermaid commission featuring Spring and Bonnie. Pretty blue.
<August 24, 2001>