<August 2, 2001>
I'm entering this in a sticker contest. Thanks Shana for telling me about it! :)
Once upon a time, before there were movie monsters, dinosaurs were real creatures. The predators stalked their prey in silent concentration, and the giants walked quietly on padded feet. Anyway, trying, yet again, to make Deinonychus look less like a bloodthirsty movie beast and more like a believable animal. I put in some insets to display some of the detail that was lost in shrinking the image. Hopefully my atrocious shading is getting better.
Yet another crappy color pencil doodle from me. A serval/secretary bird griffin, because I felt like it.
"I want you." 8.5" x 11" Pen & ink on bristol paper. An advertisment for Memphit Fur Meet 2001, in Memphis TN. I like how this one came out, I got a little carried away on the texture of the jacket, I kind of used uncle sam for this, but he wasn't standing in a very female manner. So, I had to scrape the origonal, and draw striaght from my head. No modles on this one. *Grin*
It's not a trebble clef, which my friends insisted was in the picture. I don't even know how to -spell- trebble clef.. it is, however, another dog. Figure it was either gonna be that or a rat. Maybe I should draw a hippo or something next, just to break the pattern. Photoshop.
A male husky gets ready to take a shower. Done in Photoshop. I WAS gonna just post the inking, but coloring pics in PS is fun. ^^
A commission for Kaellan, of herself and her winged hunting cat. Coloring the butterfly wings of the hunting cat was quite enjoyable. I think this is one of my more successful pics to date. 9" x 12", colored pencils, watercolors and markers on bristol board.
An old character named Kitty make a semi-return, as an anthro... This is a pretty straightforward pic of a cat on a beach, so I'm not really sure what else to add here.
This was a logo design I was asked to do, but the original person who wanted it changed her mind and went for a commission request instead. ^_^; But don't worry, the fox has another owner now...
The long-overdue scan of the color version of the kitsune pic. Gee, I hadn't uploaded anything color in quite a while...
Uber-cute hyena giving you the Peace sign. It was a weird night, flying back from Anthrocon...
My first upload in quite a while! Something simple to start with- a snow leopard gladiator. All rights reserved; 2001 Snowcat Studios
<August 2, 2001>